What books do you want to read?

A quick post this evening as I advance upon the final days of this Bloganuary challenge AND the round the eighteen months benchmark. I envisioned this post as another top five post. But there are many more than five Rosslyn related reads in the offing, and my time is too scarce to do them justice. So instead I’ll choose one that’s eluded me too long.

Rosslyn Master Bathroom (Credit: Nancie Battaglia)
Rosslyn Master Bathroom (Credit: Nancie Battaglia)

One book I’ve long intended to read but haven’t yet undertaken is Gaston Bachelard’s The Poetics of Space. I’ve read and reread the introduction. And I’ve dabbled through it a little bit. But it hasn’t captivated me, and I haven’t managed to wade through.

But it’s time.

If you’re wanting my top five, here are four contenders, already read, that qualify for well targeted accompanying reads to our Rosslyn renovation and relationship.

A Year in Provence, Peter Mayle

House, Tracy Kidder

A Place of My Own, Michael Pollan

Castles in the Air, Judy Corbett


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