Tag: Waterskiing

  • Favorite Sports: Top 5

    Favorite Sports: Top 5

    What are your favorite sports to watch and play? It’s probably pretty clear to you that Susan and I enjoy an active (preferably outdoor) lifestyle. Sports are a big part of that. And outdoor sports were central to our original decision to swap NYC for Essex back in 2006. So today’s Bloganuary prompt has pretty…

  • For Fun: Top 5

    For Fun: Top 5

    List five things you do for fun. Almost a year and a half into Redacting Rosslyn, I’ve taken a semi respite from the rhythm of old house journaling, not by interrupting my daily updates — those have continued albeit with a different flavor and focus from previous posts — but by handing over the steering…

  • Play Daily

    Play Daily

    From our first fanciful forays — pipe dreaming and what-iffing — Rosslyn represented for Susan and for me an opportunity to play more. Or so we imagined back in 2005 and 2006 as we slowly talked each other into a monumental life change. Although fantasy and reality haven’t overlapped exactly the way we conceived, most…

  • Passing Split Rock

    Passing Split Rock

    “I’m just now passing Split Rock,” I tell Susan while sailing north toward home. Or when heading to Point Bay Marina for refueling after a wakesurf or waterski session in Whallons Bay. Or when skating south on the frozen lake… Our Rosslyn lifestyle has been informed by the moods, temperament, activities, topography, and breathtaking beauty…

  • Mary Wade Rock Art

    Mary Wade Rock Art

    Mary Wade’s Essex renderings are legendary. Her rock painting of Rosslyn’s boathouse depicts Rosslyn’s boathouse as viewed from the Essex-Charlotte ferry dock, an enterprise originally owned by her grandfather, if memory serves. This gift from Mary immediately became a favorite in our collection of her Rosslyn inspired creations. This certainly isn’t my first Mary Wade…

  • Happy Birthday, Susan!

    Happy Birthday, Susan!

    Today I wish a very merry, happy, and healthy birthday to the wonder woman with whom I’m as besotted today as I was that first summer more than two decades ago when we happened onto each other waterskiing, dancing, hiking, and laughing on the Adirondack Coast of Lake Champlain. From wanderlust to houselust and houselust…

  • Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Sometimes in September, we’re still wakesurfing. Once upon a time we actually continued watersports right until the end of October, breaking ice off of the boat cover, cocooning ourselves in layers of fleece, mittens, and hats… But that hasn’t happened for a few years. So today’s ADK surfing superhero snapshot is, in fact, an illusion…

  • Wakesurfy Test Drive

    Wakesurfy Test Drive

    Caveat Lector: stream of conscious wakesurfy boat post ahead… Saturday we celebrated the end of summer with one final wakesurf. Or maybe the first wakesurf of autumn. First and last. So I suppose we were celebrating the end of one surfing season, and the prospect of an even better one next year. After it rained…

  • Undocking 2023

    Undocking 2023

    Were back at that bittersweet bookend to summer: undocking. And it’s in especially poignant threshold this year. We pulled the docks, boatlift, and both powerboats on Friday, September 22, 2023. The last day of summer, literally and metaphorically. At Rosslyn we… use the term [undocking] to describe the annual autumn removal of docks (and boat…

  • Before Time Runs Out

    Before Time Runs Out

    Since returning home to Rosslyn almost two months ago after a capricious walkabout with Susan, Denise, and John, some of the joy and celebration of homecoming has been overshadowed with waiting, delays, anticipation, setbacks, deferring, etc. This tension between ebullient gratitude and serial deferral is sometimes motivating, sometimes profoundly vexing. Lately, more of the latter…

  • Dockside Monochrome

    Dockside Monochrome

    Mercurial, unsettled weather lately. Pendulum swings. Dark and light. Sunny and soggy. Unsettled hours and days. My moody meditation is inspired by this dockside monochrome. Snapped this photo after an unsuccessful first foray into waterskiing and freshwater surfing for the 2023 season. Too rough. Susan tried. A valiant effort. Abbreviated… Today’s words and thoughts are…