Tag: Waterfront

  • Essex Regatta 1960

    Essex Regatta 1960

    An archival flashback to the 11th Essex Regatta (and 34th Westport Regatta) as featured in August and September 1960 Valley News articles. Ready for summer?!

  • Lakeside Staircase: Posts & Railings

    Lakeside Staircase: Posts & Railings

    Today we wrap up a productive week with an almost-done update on the lakeside staircase that’s been tag teamed first by Glen and Tony, then Peter and Supi, and then Tony and Peter. As we continue to explore all possible permutations, I’d like to tip my hat today too Misters Foster and Vaiciulis for leapfrogging…

  • Lakeside Staircase: Lighting

    Lakeside Staircase: Lighting

    Shout out to Brandon Dumas for replacing the old wiring, conduit, and riser lights. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Almost done!

  • A Few Friday Updates

    A Few Friday Updates

    It’s been a productive week at Rosslyn. I tip my hat to Glen, Tony, Pam, Peter, Supi, and Steve for leaning in to the multiple tasks at hand. I’d like to share with you a quick photo essay showcasing a few Friday updates. What a difference one week makes! Now it’s time to unwind and…

  • Birthday Wish

    Birthday Wish

    I’m investing my 2024 birthday wish and willing Lake Champlain’s water levels to fall, fall, fall. Sure do hope it tips the scale!

  • Lakeside Staircase: Cut Stair Stringers

    Lakeside Staircase: Cut Stair Stringers

    Today we return to Rosslyn’s waterfront for another installment on the slow-and-steady lakeside staircase rehab. Glen and Tony have begun to cut stair stringers, the structural underpinnings that underpin a stout repair to the most needy element of the previous build. If you missed the previous installments, you may want to start out with these:…

  • Lakeside Staircase: Demo

    Lakeside Staircase: Demo

    With a grateful nod to the weather gods and resounding applause for Glen’s and Tony’s concerted effort, I offer you another progress report on repairs to Rosslyn’s lakeside staircase. Several years into this slooow rolling maintenance project, we’ve successfully implemented the second phase: demo and cleanup. Here’s where I left off a little less than…

  • Lakeside Staircase: Recon

    Lakeside Staircase: Recon

    After several years of delays — from false start to postponement to more false starts — Glen and Tony have resuscitated Rosslyn’s lakeside staircase repairs. Today I’ll catch you up on their preliminary “deep dive” (don’t worry, I’m speaking figuratively since Lake Champlain water temperatures are presently inhospitable at best.) We started out by assessing…

  • Complaints: Top 5

    Complaints: Top 5

    What do you complain about the most? Such a mysterious adventure story, this thing we call life. Plot twists around every corner. Characters waxing and waning. Textures tangling and untangling, melodies braiding and unbraiding, hues shifting and sifting so subtly we wonder if we’re imagining it,… A mesmerizing mystery so pure, so pulchritudinous as to…

  • Yesteryears Today

    Yesteryears Today

    Today is the day between my late mother-in-law’s birthday and my wife Susan’s birthday. October 26 is also exactly half a year until my next birthday. An interstitial day, perhaps no more or less important than yesterday or tomorrow, and yet these in-between times, these slightly symbolic signposts draw my attention to time. The passage…

  • After Rowing, Retrieving

    After Rowing, Retrieving

    After rowing, retrieving. A perfect pairing in the eyes of Carley, our Labrador retriever. Fall is upon us, but that’s no disincentive to man and beast from enjoying the still warmish waters of Lake Champlain. I find it challenging to capture in prose or images, but this autumn atmosphere and rhythm lend themselves to the…

  • Undocking 2023

    Undocking 2023

    Were back at that bittersweet bookend to summer: undocking. And it’s in especially poignant threshold this year. We pulled the docks, boatlift, and both powerboats on Friday, September 22, 2023. The last day of summer, literally and metaphorically. At Rosslyn we… use the term [undocking] to describe the annual autumn removal of docks (and boat…