Tag: Wakesurfing

  • Favorite Sports: Top 5

    Favorite Sports: Top 5

    What are your favorite sports to watch and play? It’s probably pretty clear to you that Susan and I enjoy an active (preferably outdoor) lifestyle. Sports are a big part of that. And outdoor sports were central to our original decision to swap NYC for Essex back in 2006. So today’s Bloganuary prompt has pretty…

  • Leisure Time: Top 5

    Leisure Time: Top 5

    What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? Work and leisure are less clearly delineated for me than I suspect they are for others. Less binary, more overlapping. Sure, there have been plenty of unleisurely stretches of work throughout my life, but the sense of accomplishment and discipline and investment transcends this overly…

  • Play Daily

    Play Daily

    From our first fanciful forays — pipe dreaming and what-iffing — Rosslyn represented for Susan and for me an opportunity to play more. Or so we imagined back in 2005 and 2006 as we slowly talked each other into a monumental life change. Although fantasy and reality haven’t overlapped exactly the way we conceived, most…

  • Passing Split Rock

    Passing Split Rock

    “I’m just now passing Split Rock,” I tell Susan while sailing north toward home. Or when heading to Point Bay Marina for refueling after a wakesurf or waterski session in Whallons Bay. Or when skating south on the frozen lake… Our Rosslyn lifestyle has been informed by the moods, temperament, activities, topography, and breathtaking beauty…

  • Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Sometimes in September, we’re still wakesurfing. Once upon a time we actually continued watersports right until the end of October, breaking ice off of the boat cover, cocooning ourselves in layers of fleece, mittens, and hats… But that hasn’t happened for a few years. So today’s ADK surfing superhero snapshot is, in fact, an illusion…

  • Wakesurfy Test Drive

    Wakesurfy Test Drive

    Caveat Lector: stream of conscious wakesurfy boat post ahead… Saturday we celebrated the end of summer with one final wakesurf. Or maybe the first wakesurf of autumn. First and last. So I suppose we were celebrating the end of one surfing season, and the prospect of an even better one next year. After it rained…

  • Moonrise, Sunrise

    Moonrise, Sunrise

    Yesterday’s perfect week wrap-up included several encouraging icehouse rehab accomplishments to cross off the punch list; a laughter soaked wake surf session with Susan, our nephew, Erik, and friends followed by a hot tub soak; late night snack-supper celebrating garden-to-table tomatoes; and a supermoon surprise so sensational my nephew and I returned to the waterfront…

  • Before Time Runs Out

    Before Time Runs Out

    Since returning home to Rosslyn almost two months ago after a capricious walkabout with Susan, Denise, and John, some of the joy and celebration of homecoming has been overshadowed with waiting, delays, anticipation, setbacks, deferring, etc. This tension between ebullient gratitude and serial deferral is sometimes motivating, sometimes profoundly vexing. Lately, more of the latter…

  • After Wake Surfing

    After Wake Surfing

    Day’s end. After wake surfing… I’m overcome with gratitude as we head home following an end-of-day, end-of-weekend, end-of-yard-sale wake surf. Thank you. Thank you, Susan, Denise, John, and Cheri, for joining us in a colossal re-homing extravaganza (aka “yard sale”) for Essex Day. Thank you, Pam, Tony, Supi, Glen, and Peter for helping us pull…

  • Dog Days of Summer

    Dog Days of Summer

    We’re enjoying the dog days of summer, feasting on garden produce, wake surfing, and sweating (profusely!) toward the culmination of the icehouse rehab. Fresh blueberries for desert tonight, and summer squash, cucumbers, red and green romaine lettuce accompanied a grilled salmon. The garden provides. The lake is warm, and today was sunny instead of rainy,…

  • Champlaining


    I like to joke around with our friends, Amy Guglielmo and Brian Giebel about “Champlaining” (aka “Lake Champlaining”) when we’re puttering about on our glorious front yard: Lake Champlain. A common refrain, “Stop Champlaining!” is actually a lighthearted reminder that even on the clunkiest of days, time spent plying (or playing i/on) the waters of America’s greatest lake is…

  • Sundown Surf

    Sundown Surf

    Slightly less than two months ago, celebrating a peak-of-summer day with a sensational sundown surf. Actually, concluding a wake surf (closer to sunset than normal or advisable). Sundown Surf Haiku Wake lifting, cresting,board surging and legs pumping,surfing into dusk.— Geo Davis Champlaining Relived Today we start the first day of October. So much change from…