Tag: Susan Bacot-Davis

  • Play Daily

    Play Daily

    From our first fanciful forays — pipe dreaming and what-iffing — Rosslyn represented for Susan and for me an opportunity to play more. Or so we imagined back in 2005 and 2006 as we slowly talked each other into a monumental life change. Although fantasy and reality haven’t overlapped exactly the way we conceived, most…

  • Untethering Revisited

    Untethering Revisited

    A little over a year ago, on October 26, 2022, I penned a post, “Leaping & Untethering“, attempting to grapple substantively with beginning to imagine our lives post Rosslyn. One of many posts over the last year and a half that approach this touchy topic, the words I wrote were cautious. I included the word…

  • Gangway Unicycling

    Gangway Unicycling

    More than a dozen years later it’s clear what an ill advised idea gangway unicycling was. Still is. Forever will be. But on July 11, 2010 we brought Susan’s unicycle down to the boathouse for some lakeside pedaling. I no longer recall exactly why, but it had something to do with the realization that And…

  • November Windsurfing

    November Windsurfing

    Watersports were one of the lifestyle passions that lured us to full time, year round Champlaining. And windsurfing, even late November windsurfing, was one of our favorites. We could… windsurf for half the year instead of just two or three months, starting in May with drysuits and finishing in the end of October. (Source: Almost…

  • Thank You, Pam!

    Thank You, Pam!

    As we approach the fourth Thursday of November we’re provisioning for an indulgent holiday banquet with family. Thanksgiving is all about family and feasting, for sure. But it’s first and foremost a ritualized reminder to pause and reflect on everyone for whom we’re grateful and everything for which we’re grateful. In both cases, Pam Murphy…

  • Griffin & Gator

    Griffin & Gator

    Thirteen years ago, on November 14, 2010, I snapped a few blurry Blackberry photographs (remember those?) of Susan and our Labrador retriever, Griffin. The snapshots were taken beyond the barns, looking west over the meadows we were recovering after decades forgotten, feral, and overgrown. Griffin thoroughly enjoyed jumping into the small bed for a cruise…

  • Happy Birthday, Susan!

    Happy Birthday, Susan!

    Today I wish a very merry, happy, and healthy birthday to the wonder woman with whom I’m as besotted today as I was that first summer more than two decades ago when we happened onto each other waterskiing, dancing, hiking, and laughing on the Adirondack Coast of Lake Champlain. From wanderlust to houselust and houselust…

  • Last Boat Swim

    Last Boat Swim

    During Carley’s last boat swim of the summer, Susan realized that she’d done such an efficient job of cleaning out the boat to prepare for hauling and winter storage that there were no longer any throw toys for our crestfallen Labrador retriever. Uh-oh. Nary a tennis ball or frisbee. Crisis? Hardly! Master of improvisation, Susan…

  • Riley Redux?

    Riley Redux?

    Returning to the topic of a beautiful vintage British motorcar that has spent the last decade or so in Rosslyn’s carriage barn. The photo of this evening’s post was taken on August 3, 2019 during a rare out-of-barn outing. My beautiful bride ready to roll in the Riley! Is it time for a Riley redux?…

  • Sculling Into Autumn

    Sculling Into Autumn

    Susan and I celebrated summer’s end by sculling into autumn on Saturday morning. Sculling. September 23, 2023. Summers end. Slightly alliterative autumn. The beginning of a new chapter. Crisper. More colorful. Susan, Carley, and I uncovered the dory and rowed out onto placid waters to better observe the beginning of fall foliage and to honor…

  • Before Undocking

    Before Undocking

    Last day of summer. Yesterday. First day of autumn. Today. Liminal moments. Time to remove the boats and docks. But, just before, Susan snapped these potent images. Before undocking… Before undocking, putting summer 2023 behind us, there was calm. Placid waters. Almost mirror flat. And a sunrise as sensuous as it was poignant. Rosslyn’s waterfront.…

  • Amber Morning

    Amber Morning

    On Thursday Susan snapped several photographs in the front hallway and parlor. She was up early with me, and the crack-of-dawn sunlight mesmerized her. Amber morning light illuminating Rosslyn’s elegant entrance. She was surprised to hear that this front hallway — early in the morning, bathed in sunlight — had compelled me for years. Since…