Tag: Sunset

  • Nightfall


    Grasping at that certain something that we experience between sunset and gloaming.

  • Sunlight Swaddled

    Sunlight Swaddled

    A meditative moment bathed in buttery sunset light…

  • Red Sky at Night

    Red Sky at Night

    Perhaps you’ve heard the adage that begins, “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight”? On a recent evening looking west past Rosslyn’s carriage barn and icehouse, Susan snapped this image. Stunning. And confidence inspiring, even for a non-sailor, I imagine. When we see a red sky at night, this means that the setting sun is sending…

  • Misty Sundown

    Misty Sundown

    So many variations of a perfect sunrise, a breathtaking sunset, and yet — like spoiled children — we yearn for more. More colorful. More dramatic. More lingering. But, this misty sundown redefined the limits. Moody dome. Warm light, gently filtered. Colors few, but saturation intense. And mist. Ground-clinging, gossamer haze blurring the ground-to-trees transition. Mysterious.…

  • 1st Floor Flooring Finished

    1st Floor Flooring Finished

    Spellbinding sunset this evening, witnessed firsthand from Rosslyn’s icehouse where only an hour or so before Tony had added the final coat of sealer. At last I can celebrate: the 1st floor flooring is finished. Eureka! For the mixed species, ash and elm, variable witdth flooring we’re applying six coats with light, fine grit sanding…

  • Winter Solstice: Longer Days Ahead

    Winter Solstice: Longer Days Ahead

    Welcome to day one of the Adirondack Coast‘s coldest season. Today is the winter solstice, the first official day of winter, and — more importantly for the likes of my mother and others who favor longer days and shorter nights — the threshold between the briefest day and the most prolonged night and imperceptibly-but-steadily lengthening…

  • Tie Dye Dome

    Tie Dye Dome

    Last night — while walking out to the vegetable garden for a last minute harvest — the sunset tried to outcompete the colorful veggies. And the tie dye dome mounted a heroic campaign! Even after all of the veggies were gathered for for our impromptu salad (a rainbow haul of red and green romaines, tomatoes, cucumbers,…