Tag: Sunrise
“Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.” — Rene Daumal Early birds enthralled with the daily matinal unshading embrace the mystery (and the wellspring of possibility that flows through it.) I know. I am one. A “morning lark” married to a “night owl”. Opposites attract. The dawning invigorates me, and the…
Sunup Sunday
Up early for a soggy gray morning, rambunctious not-quite-winter wind thrashing and whorling, raindrops on and off, on and off,… Not quite the sunup Sunday I’d conjured in my technicolor imagination! It was the sort of unsettled environment that makes the prospect of returning to bed more inviting than, say, making breakfast for Carley. But…
Moonrise, Sunrise
Yesterday’s perfect week wrap-up included several encouraging icehouse rehab accomplishments to cross off the punch list; a laughter soaked wake surf session with Susan, our nephew, Erik, and friends followed by a hot tub soak; late night snack-supper celebrating garden-to-table tomatoes; and a supermoon surprise so sensational my nephew and I returned to the waterfront…
Smoky Sunrise Over Lake Champlain
This morning came early. Really, *REALLY* early. Yesterday was one of those days when damn near everything that could go wrong did go wrong. It was so hyperbolic that if it were a movie, nobody would have believed it. So by 5:38 o’clock this morning I’d been awake for a couple of hours. And I…
Winter Solstice: Longer Days Ahead
Welcome to day one of the Adirondack Coast‘s coldest season. Today is the winter solstice, the first official day of winter, and — more importantly for the likes of my mother and others who favor longer days and shorter nights — the threshold between the briefest day and the most prolonged night and imperceptibly-but-steadily lengthening…
A Lake Is Born
No night, I’m thinking(willing, really), lastsforever, endless.But my confidenceflutters then falters.What if I’m wrong? Just then, before dawn,day breaks early andundreams the darkness,banishes black thatripens to eggplant,fades to indigo. A solitarysunbeam’s hatchet honedcleaves wide somber dome,spills veins of amber,honey smeared scarletover-ripened, bursts. A vast aquarelleunleveed shimmers,a lake is born andmountain range cutouts,mirrored but mottledon breeze…
Daybreak: Lake Champlain sunrise through “wavy glass” in late August, summertime slipping through the hourglass. (Source: Geo Davis) Since my earliest Rosslyn intrigue, wondering if the house and property might one day become a home for us, daybreak was my fixation. Perhaps it was just my lifelong affinity for the early hours. As a “morning lark”…
When Your B-Roll Becomes Your A-Roll
Lake Champlain sunrise. Still mostly dark. Then an explosion of fiery day over the silhouetted Green Mountains in Vermont, over the slightly refracting waters of the lake… It’s mornings like this when your B-roll becomes your A-roll! It’s mornings like this that I pinch myself. Gently. But enough to startle myself into reassessing my day’s…
Morning Meander
My best days at Rosslyn start with a mellow morning meander to the waterfront to watch the sun rise up out of the Green Mountains. Or to the vegetable gardens and orchard to pick fresh fruit while sipping my tea. Or around the property inspecting flower beds and deadheading peonies or whatever else has bloomed…
Imagining Rosslyn Boathouse, Spring 2006
“Coffee? You don’t even drink coffee,” Susan said. “I know. I know it doesn’t make any sense. But I’m walking through Rosslyn early in the morning with a steaming cup of coffee…” I hadn’t drunk coffee since college, and I’d obviously never wandered around Rosslyn at the crack of dawn either. But I kept having…