Tag: Squirrel
Squirrel Sentry
Beware what you plant by your front door lest it attract hungry birds, deer, or a squirrel sentry! It’s too early still for flowering annuals to preside over the stone steps leading up to Rosslyn’s front door. Daytimes are warm, mostly, but nightimes are still getting cold. Soon, once the risk of frost retreats inland,…
Adirondack Birding and Squirreling
Rather than whining through another verse of the Bali Blues on my harmonica, I awoke on my first morning back at Rosslyn in a fever to jump-start autumn/winter rituals. Top of the list was setting up the bird feeders in anticipation of Adirondack birding. A recent radio report on Vermont Public Radio had mentioned that…
Fox & Squirrel Revisited
I’ve been quick to admit my fascination with the ongoing Rosslyn safari. Predation up close and personal from the comfort of my breakfast table! But this week, I had a change of heart…
Fox & Squirrel
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8vmPSvUNps] When I was in middle school my parents moved our family from a circa 1876 manse in Wadhams that they’d restored gradually over a decade, to a new home tucked into a tree-lined meadow near Lake Champlain. Formerly part of the Higginson farm, the homeowners association comprised a little over a half dozen camps…