Tag: Skating

  • Play Daily

    Play Daily

    From our first fanciful forays — pipe dreaming and what-iffing — Rosslyn represented for Susan and for me an opportunity to play more. Or so we imagined back in 2005 and 2006 as we slowly talked each other into a monumental life change. Although fantasy and reality haven’t overlapped exactly the way we conceived, most…

  • Passing Split Rock

    Passing Split Rock

    “I’m just now passing Split Rock,” I tell Susan while sailing north toward home. Or when heading to Point Bay Marina for refueling after a wakesurf or waterski session in Whallons Bay. Or when skating south on the frozen lake… Our Rosslyn lifestyle has been informed by the moods, temperament, activities, topography, and breathtaking beauty…

  • Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Sometimes in September, we’re still wakesurfing. Once upon a time we actually continued watersports right until the end of October, breaking ice off of the boat cover, cocooning ourselves in layers of fleece, mittens, and hats… But that hasn’t happened for a few years. So today’s ADK surfing superhero snapshot is, in fact, an illusion…

  • Champlaining


    I like to joke around with our friends, Amy Guglielmo and Brian Giebel about “Champlaining” (aka “Lake Champlaining”) when we’re puttering about on our glorious front yard: Lake Champlain. A common refrain, “Stop Champlaining!” is actually a lighthearted reminder that even on the clunkiest of days, time spent plying (or playing i/on) the waters of America’s greatest lake is…

  • Champy Spotted at Essex Ferry Dock (circa 1980?)

    Champy Spotted at Essex Ferry Dock (circa 1980?)

    Champy spotted at Essex ferry dock?!?! Once upon a time… I’m gambling that it was around 1980 for no reliable reasons except the look and condition of the Old Dock Restaurant, the presence of ice shanties on a throughly frozen lake with no ferry canal, and the incredibly well executed snow/ice sculpture just north of…

  • Persimmons & Seasonality

    Persimmons & Seasonality

    I’ve waxed whimsical on autumn before, and I’ve celebrated wonder-filled winter aplenty, but what of the blurry overlap between the two? Well, today I’d like to pause a moment betwixt both current seasons. Or astride the two, one foot in autumn and the other in winter. To borrow a morning metaphor from my breakfast, let’s…

  • Nor’easter Neige

    Nor’easter Neige

    Nor’easter Neige: Rosslyn’s boathouse, icehouse, and carriage barn after February 4, 2021 snowfall.

  • Mallard Jacuzzi

    Mallard Jacuzzi

    As Lake Champlain freezes and thaws and freezes again, trying to create a seamless skateable expanse between the Adirondack Coast and Vermont, Rosslyn’s boathouse bubbler offers the wild ducks welcome refuge. It’s a veritable mallard jacuzzi! Or a bald eagle buffet? The shrewd raptors observe from the trees nearby, waiting… Ducks at Dawn on Icy…