Tag: Powerboating

  • Essex Regatta 1960

    Essex Regatta 1960

    An archival flashback to the 11th Essex Regatta (and 34th Westport Regatta) as featured in August and September 1960 Valley News articles. Ready for summer?!

  • Play Daily

    Play Daily

    From our first fanciful forays — pipe dreaming and what-iffing — Rosslyn represented for Susan and for me an opportunity to play more. Or so we imagined back in 2005 and 2006 as we slowly talked each other into a monumental life change. Although fantasy and reality haven’t overlapped exactly the way we conceived, most…

  • Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Champlaining & ADK Surfing

    Sometimes in September, we’re still wakesurfing. Once upon a time we actually continued watersports right until the end of October, breaking ice off of the boat cover, cocooning ourselves in layers of fleece, mittens, and hats… But that hasn’t happened for a few years. So today’s ADK surfing superhero snapshot is, in fact, an illusion…

  • Wakesurfy Test Drive

    Wakesurfy Test Drive

    Caveat Lector: stream of conscious wakesurfy boat post ahead… Saturday we celebrated the end of summer with one final wakesurf. Or maybe the first wakesurf of autumn. First and last. So I suppose we were celebrating the end of one surfing season, and the prospect of an even better one next year. After it rained…

  • Undocking 2023

    Undocking 2023

    Were back at that bittersweet bookend to summer: undocking. And it’s in especially poignant threshold this year. We pulled the docks, boatlift, and both powerboats on Friday, September 22, 2023. The last day of summer, literally and metaphorically. At Rosslyn we… use the term [undocking] to describe the annual autumn removal of docks (and boat…

  • Grateful, Part II

    Grateful, Part II

    Another worrisome day as Lake Champlain water level continues to rise. Hoping it’ll crest soon, and we can return to midsummer jolliness. Until I can celebrate *THAT* good news, I’ll elevate my spirits with a sequel to yesterday’s “Grateful, Part I” (which suffered premature abbreviation when I ran out of time.) Peter joined us last…

  • Champlaining


    I like to joke around with our friends, Amy Guglielmo and Brian Giebel about “Champlaining” (aka “Lake Champlaining”) when we’re puttering about on our glorious front yard: Lake Champlain. A common refrain, “Stop Champlaining!” is actually a lighthearted reminder that even on the clunkiest of days, time spent plying (or playing i/on) the waters of America’s greatest lake is…

  • New Year’s Day: Writer’s Garret & Other Wonders

    New Year’s Day: Writer’s Garret & Other Wonders

    We survived 2022, friends, and in some fortunate cases, we even thrived. Cheers to surviving and thriving an occasionally challenging year! That means it’s time for a meandering year-ender…  Retrospective I’d like to jumpstart my retrospective with a positive personal milestone. Yesterday’s post, “New Year’s Eve”, was my 153rd post in a row, completing a…

  • Undocking


    Once upon a time undocking referred to a boat pulling away from a dock, a ship disembarking from a pier. At Rosslyn we also use the term to describe the annual autumn removal of docks (and boat lift) from Lake Champlain once the boats have been hauled and we begin to prepare for the North…

  • Camp-of-the-Pines


    I turn afield this afternoon to share with you a growing collection of vintage postcards and miscellaneous artifacts featuring Camp-of-the-Pines in Willsboro, New York. To be 100% transparent from the outset, my aspiration is twofold: I want to solicit community knowledge about this [apparently] no longer extant Lake Champlain neighbor. I want to showcase our remarkably…

  • Waterfront Winterization

    There comes a time each autumn when summer has faded and winter is whispering over the waves. Or when work, travel, something eclipses the languid stretch of fall boating and watersports. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later, and as inevitable and bittersweet as fall foliage, waterfront winterization is an annual ritual that braces us practically and emotionally for the North Country’s…

  • Essex Regatta 1950s?

    Essex Regatta 1950s? (Source: Christine Herrmann) It’s always a treat to discover Rosslyn artifacts. Can you just barely spy our boathouse beyond the moored boats? This intriguing photograph was received from part-time Essex neighbor, Christine Herrmann. This generous Sandy Beach friend has allowed us to traverse her Lake Champlain waterfront with our tractor to rebuild…