Tag: Peter Vaiciulis

  • Lakeside Staircase: Posts & Railings

    Lakeside Staircase: Posts & Railings

    Today we wrap up a productive week with an almost-done update on the lakeside staircase that’s been tag teamed first by Glen and Tony, then Peter and Supi, and then Tony and Peter. As we continue to explore all possible permutations, I’d like to tip my hat today too Misters Foster and Vaiciulis for leapfrogging…

  • A Few Friday Updates

    A Few Friday Updates

    It’s been a productive week at Rosslyn. I tip my hat to Glen, Tony, Pam, Peter, Supi, and Steve for leaning in to the multiple tasks at hand. I’d like to share with you a quick photo essay showcasing a few Friday updates. What a difference one week makes! Now it’s time to unwind and…

  • Door Reconceived for Icehouse Bathroom

    Door Reconceived for Icehouse Bathroom

    It’s time for an overdue chronicle of the antique door we adapted and upcycled for the icehouse bathroom. From concept through re-fabrication and installation, this project demanded the focus, precision, and creativity of Peter Vaiciulis. The photograph of the bottom of this post offers testament to his impressive execution. Although I prioritized upcycling and adaptive…

  • Old Year’s Day

    Old Year’s Day

    Did you know that another name for New Year’s Eve Day is Old Year’s Day? Not used widely, in my experience, but logical. Retrospective. Emphasis on the year expiring rather than the year arriving. Despite a personal proclivity for forward-looking and possibility, a year-end review offers merits too. This day’s, this year’s minutes are too…

  • Flashing Flashback

    Flashing Flashback

    Weather reminds us that autumn will inevitably yield to winter. Frost. Flurries. Cooold nights… Probably soon-ish, at least for short intervals. And yet the threat of colder, wetter, even snowier and icier days ahead is 100% less concerning than it was a year ago. We’d only just begun our foray into Rosslyn’s icehouse rehabilitation. And…

  • Boathouse Gangway Redux

    Boathouse Gangway Redux

    What a difference a year makes! Actually, Rosslyn’s boathouse gangway redux spans a 2-year timeline, but as a sort of Pollyanna prayer, let’s celebrate the progress since one year ago. The following excerpt and photograph appeared in my blog post one year ago today. Rosslyn’s boathouse gangway reboot… is back on track — safe, sturdy,…

  • Patinated Penetrations

    Patinated Penetrations

    After many months in the works — installing through-wall mechanicals, commissioning custom copper vent covers, and patinating covers — Supi installed blocking and the patinated penetrations bringing to a close yet another task from the icehouse rehab finish schedule. Clustered on the north facade within the vicinity of the mechanicals closet, these penetrations are a…

  • Gangway Railing v3.0

    Gangway Railing v3.0

    Hallelujah! For all intents and purposes, Rosslyn’s gangway railing v3.0 is complete. Or…*ALMOST* complete. And, while it’s been an epic adventure of unimaginable duration from inception to completion, the final results are outstanding. As good or better than the original that we constructed a decade and a half ago. Identical to the eye, but more…

  • Gangway Gang

    Gangway Gang

    After another marathon day stonewalling with Tony, I headed down to Rosslyn’s boathouse to check on the gangway gang’s progress. Peter and Supi were just beginning to wind down for the day, taking extra steps to protect their materials and equipment from yet another round of incoming rain. I know, it hardly seem possible! This…

  • Return to Re-railing Boathouse Gangway

    Return to Re-railing Boathouse Gangway

    After a hiatus spanning many months — more than half a year — Supi and Peter return to re-railing the boathouse gangway, and after three days their progress is encouraging. And the photograph above Peter is installing the post sleeves that he fabricated offsite last autumn and early winter. The railings and balusters are fabricated…

  • After Wake Surfing

    After Wake Surfing

    Day’s end. After wake surfing… I’m overcome with gratitude as we head home following an end-of-day, end-of-weekend, end-of-yard-sale wake surf. Thank you. Thank you, Susan, Denise, John, and Cheri, for joining us in a colossal re-homing extravaganza (aka “yard sale”) for Essex Day. Thank you, Pam, Tony, Supi, Glen, and Peter for helping us pull…

  • Tiho’s Site Visit

    Tiho’s Site Visit

    This past weekend, Susan and I hosted our friend, Tiho Dimitrov, the Santa Fe based architect with whom we’ve collaborated on several projects over the years including ADK Oasis Lakeside and Rosslyn’s icehouse rehabilitation. Tiho’s site visit to both properties was an exciting culmination, especially as we glide into the home stretch of icehouse v2.0…