Tag: Persimmons

  • Complaints: Top 5

    Complaints: Top 5

    What do you complain about the most? Such a mysterious adventure story, this thing we call life. Plot twists around every corner. Characters waxing and waning. Textures tangling and untangling, melodies braiding and unbraiding, hues shifting and sifting so subtly we wonder if we’re imagining it,… A mesmerizing mystery so pure, so pulchritudinous as to…

  • Fruiting Orchard

    Fruiting Orchard

    So much of my attention has been focused on icehouse rehabilitation, that I’ve neglected timely fruiting updates from Rosslyn’s orchard. The incessant rain (and the late frost that zapped the tomatoes) likely explain the absence of peaches. But several apple and pear varieties are ripening nicely. And, there are some exciting fruiting updates as well:…