Tag: Patina
Patinated Penetrations
After many months in the works — installing through-wall mechanicals, commissioning custom copper vent covers, and patinating covers — Supi installed blocking and the patinated penetrations bringing to a close yet another task from the icehouse rehab finish schedule. Clustered on the north facade within the vicinity of the mechanicals closet, these penetrations are a…
Garapa Roundover: Easing the Edge
Time for a progress report on the garapa paneling that will soon embellish the icehouse bathroom. We started out gently easing the edges, but several iterations later we’ve settled on a full roundover. Here’s why… Roundover Rewind Because the garapa upcycling backstory helps illuminate the decision to edge these boards with a diminutive roundover, let’s…
Custom Copper Covers
Kudos to Troy for knocking out three custom copper covers for the icehouse vents plus a copper sleeve for the boiler exhaust. Bravo! In the photo above Pam is holding one of the new copper covers (on the left) next to one of the old copper covers (on the right). This is a design we…
Horse Stall Haiku
Horse Stall Haiku Carriage house stall door,pockmarked, patinated, but hale,relates tenants past. — Geo Davis Wabi-sabi Horse Stall Patina. Rust. Wear-and-tear. The horse stall door in the photograph above abounds in visible reminders of imperfection and impermanence. And yet beauty brims. The image, indeed the horse stall and the horse stall door themselves, exude warmth and…