Tag: Orchard

  • Apple Blossoms

    Apple Blossoms

    A prose poem for the optimism of apple blossoms (and the pollinators who ensure that this beauty will bear fruit!)

  • Hummingbird Haiku

    Hummingbird Haiku

    Perhaps hummingbirds offer us a fleeting reminder to welcome the wisdom of wonder? To wander wider? To pursue a nonlinear path, to be unimpeded by obstacles, to bound between ambrosial blossoms?

  • Tanglefoot Tango

    Tanglefoot Tango

    A poetry flirtation among tango and two Tanglefoot counterparts. Peculiar, but provocative.

  • Dream Job

    Dream Job

    What’s your dream job? Saturday, a day for job dreaming, right? Or telemark skiing… That’s how I spent my day. But now it’s time to wax wordy about my dream job. Jobs? Hybrid job? A dream job spanning diverse occupations, vertically dissimilar vocations. Let’s start with a few of the more obvious ingredients for my…

  • Persimmoning


    As autumn and winter braid themselves into a textured tapestry of yesterdays and tomorrows, persimmoning is upon us in all its nectary extravagance. Hint of honey. Scent of cinnamon. Bliss. I began my morning with the tender caress and sweet kiss of an hachiya persimmon. These photographs tell the story. But the backstory, that’s better…

  • Apple Adage

    Apple Adage

    Let us turn our attention today to an important and timely inquiry: does an apple a day keep the doctor away? This apple adage is especially important at a time of year when Rosslyn’s orchard pumps up pomological generosity to the extreme. It’s pretty tempting to grab a crispy fruit from the tree of knowledge…

  • Bird’s Eye View: Backyard

    Bird’s Eye View: Backyard

    Over the last year, I’ve often relied on aerial photography to help me conceptualize icehouse rehab plans, visualize topographical integration, and plan landscape / hardscape layouts. Over the years I’ve relied upon bird’s eye view photography (thank you drone technology!) for many of Susan an my projects, so this isn’t something new. And yet, it’s…

  • Persimmons Maturing

    Persimmons Maturing

    In good news, the 2023 persimmons maturing — albeit a decidedly smaller subset of the overall fruit that adorned our three persimmon trees at the beginning of the season — are just possibly going to reach the finish line. For the last several summers… [I’ve gotten] high on the hope that our three persimmon trees…

  • Apple a Day

    Apple a Day

    Day’s end. Week’s end. A moment to reflect on the initiatives and accomplishments of the preceding days. Rain reprieve. Humidity normal. Productivity driven by deadlines approaching. A chair with a view of new lawn, old icehouse, reconfigured clay court, and an apple plucked from the orchard,… An apple a day, they say, keeps the doctor…

  • Awaiting Apples

    Awaiting Apples

    Pam has been thinning the apple trees, bucket after bucket. Some for the horse that draws the Amish gardeners’ buggy, some for Tony’s pigs, some for the compost, but none — so far, at least — for Carley. Poor girl. And so she pauses in the orchard, taking a brief break from ball chasing to…

  • Fruiting Orchard

    Fruiting Orchard

    So much of my attention has been focused on icehouse rehabilitation, that I’ve neglected timely fruiting updates from Rosslyn’s orchard. The incessant rain (and the late frost that zapped the tomatoes) likely explain the absence of peaches. But several apple and pear varieties are ripening nicely. And, there are some exciting fruiting updates as well:…

  • Persimmon Optimism

    Persimmon Optimism

    It’s that time of year again. Midsummer. The garden and orchard are lush. Or mostly lush. A young whitetail deer mowed through many of the green beans, some of the Swiss chard, and a whole lot of spinach a few days ago. And the poppies are struggling. Perhaps over-seeded. Perhaps too much rain. Perhaps both.…