Tag: Nature

  • Luna Moth

    Luna Moth

    A meditation — visual and poetic — on the moon moth, an infrequent but celebrated visitor.

  • Complaints: Top 5

    Complaints: Top 5

    What do you complain about the most? Such a mysterious adventure story, this thing we call life. Plot twists around every corner. Characters waxing and waning. Textures tangling and untangling, melodies braiding and unbraiding, hues shifting and sifting so subtly we wonder if we’re imagining it,… A mesmerizing mystery so pure, so pulchritudinous as to…

  • Jack-in-the-Pulpit


    While my poppy passion is no secret to Rosslyn Redux readers, I’m less vocal about my partiality to wild flora like trillium and Jack-in-the-Pulpit. One learns to protect these treasures! But today I pause for an overt gawk at this exotic Jack-in-the-Pulpit, a sylvan surprise with almost impossibly green and purple stripes. Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum…

  • High Tunnel Hubris

    High Tunnel Hubris

    Looks like my spring 2023 veggie garden exuberance (and perennially Pollyanna optimism) served me poorly. As we all well know from the time tempered tale of Daedalus and Icarus, the consequences of taking risks can send us plunging. Or, in the case of cheating the calendar by prematurely planting tomatoes, tomatillos, and other delicate spring…

  • Friend or Foe: Dandelions

    Friend or Foe: Dandelions

    It’s that remarkable season of reawakening, spring, glorious springtime! And more than all of the other blooms that announce the season of unslumbering, Dandelions remind us that nature is nourishing and vibrant and brilliantly colorful. Routinely dismissed, even abhored, as an annoying weed, dandelions are for me a welcome harbinger of warming temperatures, greening environs,…

  • OG Bobcatting

    OG Bobcatting

    Exciting update from one of Rosslyn’s wildlife cameras when I awoke this morning. Not sure why, but I always get especially enthused when we document a Bobcat. The sequence of three images captured at 2:29am appears to be the same bobcat we photographed a few months ago. Still healthy. Strong. Well fed. I’m struck by…

  • Poetry of Earth

    Poetry of Earth

    I missed my mark — Earth Day, April 22, 2023 — with this post extolling the poetry of earth. It was germinal then, and it remains germinal today (albeit marginally more mature?) Sometimes a seed germinates with exuberance, practically exploding into existence as if overcome with the glory of imminent bloom and fruit. Other times…

  • The Past Lives On

    The Past Lives On

    The past lives on in art and memory, but it is not static: it shifts and changes as the present throws its shadow backwards. — Margaret Drabble I return today to a recurring theme, a preoccupation perhaps, that wends its way through my Rosslyn ruminations and my collections of photographs and artifacts. While the past…

  • Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil Foresees More Winter

    Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil Foresees More Winter

    Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? Is spring around the corner? Are we headed into six more weeks of winter? In this high tech era of satellites forecasting weather from beyond the beyond, intricate algorithms gobbling gargantuan data sets, and media channels dedicated to analyzing and communicating meteorological mysteries in real time, we still get…

  • Gray Fox or Eastern Coyote?

    Gray Fox or Eastern Coyote?

    John Davis, our good friend and Rosslyn’s conscientious wildlife steward, contacted me this weekend with an excited update. Good photos on your cell cam last few days, including a Gray Fox, I think, January 11. We rarely see those. I’d just been reviewing recent images from the camera he referenced, a Reconyx, cellular-enabled camera that…

  • Epiphany on Epiphany: Shirley Bacot Shamel Day

    Epiphany on Epiphany: Shirley Bacot Shamel Day

    Susan chuckled this morning after reminding me that her family hadn’t celebrated Epiphany when she was growing. I had reminded her that my family had, and for some reason she considers it slightly droll. It’s true that we did celebrate some holidays that my peers did not. I’m not certain why. In addition to Epiphany,…

  • Autumn Landscape Poetry

    Autumn Landscape Poetry

    TGIF… time to put another log on the fire, pour yourself something refreshing, and unwind for a moment together. Busy-ness and a continuous cascade of commitments can gradually hypnotize us during the weekly hurly-burly, so let’s take a few minutes to exhale and redirect our attention at this dramatic time of year. Transformation all around…