Tag: Mud Season

  • Sugaring Season

    Sugaring Season

    I’m remembering the year my brother and gathered sap and boiled it down over an open fire to maple syrup more than a decade ago. Hour after hour, day after day, emptying buckets, hauling buckets, stoking the fire pit with logs to keep the syrup boiling, but not boiling over. Though more than once we…

  • Rosslyn Roundup, May 4

    It’s time for another Rosslyn Roundup to share everything Rosslyn-related that I didn’t get a chance to post over the last few weeks. Champlain Valleysprings are unpredictable and exciting, sometimes arriving early (this year) and other times hiding behind rain, rain, rain (last year). We’ve been celebrating our good fortune (quietly, with fingers crossed, while…

  • Old Glory & Mud Season

    I recently returned to Rosslyn after almost two months away. It was my single longest absence since buying the house in July 2006, and the extended hiatus was a bit surreal. I departed Essex in February and returned in April! For readers familiar with life in the Adirondacks, you’ll remember that we have the distinction…

  • Haying with Draft Horses at Full and By Farm

    Haying with Draft Horses at Full and By Farm

    CSA run by Sarah Kurak and James Graves in Essex, New York.