Tag: Melissa Davis

  • Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day to three of the most marvelous mothers (and most meaningful influences on yours truly!)

  • Ready for Rhubarb Time?

    Ready for Rhubarb Time?

    Spring along the Adirondack Coast tempts us with plenty of enticing seasonal flavors, but a personal favorite is the sweet tart medley of local maple syrup and homegrown rhubarb. Although we’re still a little shy of rhubarb time, the maple syrup is standing by, and my imagination is conjuring up this springtime staple. It’s as…

  • Does Mystery Make a House a Home?

    Does Mystery Make a House a Home?

    Today’s dispatch delves into a puzzling enigma, maybe even a genuine mystery. Shortly after purchasing Rosslyn in the summer of 2006 friends were touring the house with us when their young son blasted through a doorway. “Do you think this house is haunted?!” His optimism was palpable. He related in quick chronicle what he’d discovered…

  • A Barnophile of Bygone Barns

    A Barnophile of Bygone Barns

    Yesterday I meditated a minute on bygone barns. Ancient farm buildings. Tempered by time, tempted by gravity, and sowbacked beneath the burdens of generations, these rugged utility structures retain (and sometimes gain) a minimalist elegance long after design and construction and use fade into history. My meditation was meandering and inconclusive. In part this was…

  • What Makes a House a Home?

    What Makes a House a Home?

    At the root of Rosslyn Redux is a question. What makes a house a home? Simple question. Less simple answer. More precisely, the answers to what makes a house a home are diverse and possibly even evolving — slowly, perpetually — as we live our lives. What defines “homeness” as a child likely differs as…

  • Quest for Permission

    Quest for Permission

    I am on a quest for permission. Permission from Susan, from Rosslyn, even from family and friends. Most of all I am on a quest for permission from myself. This morning a serendipitous swirl of accidental-coincidental happenings helped me realize this. Chief among them (and the rightful recipients my profound gratitude) in the order they…

  • Leaping & Untethering

    Leaping & Untethering

    In the spring and summer of 2006, when Susan and I took a leap of faith and made the decision to pursue Rosslyn as our future home, it was apparent to both of us that we were biting off considerably more than we could chew. Dream big. Dream a little bigger. And then leap! From…

  • Lone Oak

    Lone Oak

    I remember, as a boy, seeing a mature bald eagle sitting in this oak tree. It must’ve been 1984 or 1985. My mother was driving us from Rock Harbor to Plattsburgh, where we went to school. It was less common to see bald eagles back then. They were present in the Champlain Valley, but less…

  • Poppies Aplenty

    Poppies Aplenty

    Poppies aplenty! A gardener can never grow too many poppies in my estimation. Biased? Yes, unabashedly biased when it comes to Papavers, I’m afraid. (The oriental poppies that we plant at Rosslyn are in the genus Papaver in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae. No worries, you won’t be quizzed later.) So smitten am…

  • George D. Anson, Essex Merchant

    Ever scouring the midden heaps—real and virtual—for Essex artifacts, I came across these curiosities. These ACME “picture cards” were offered as incentives to soap customers. Save ACME brand Marseilles White Spray Soap wrappers, mail them to Lautz Bros & Co. (located in Buffalo, New York), and receive these odd collectibles. Think of them as the colorful baubles…

  • Lake Champlain Boathouse Blues

    Welcome to spring in the Champlain Valley. And to Rosslyn’s annual spring drama: the Lake Champlain boathouse blues! Over the last month lake water level has been rising, rising, rising. And rising some more. In fact, it’s even risen since I started drafting this post. (Current level a little further down.) Boathouse Blues Begin Until recently…

  • Bald Eagle Omen

    I share with you a bald eagle omen, courtesy of my mother. Bald eagle by your boat house. Saw this elegant creature as I went to massage and he was still there when I returned. May be a sign of something good? ~ Melissa Davis Rosslyn’s boathouse is often frequented by bald eagles, hawks, and other…