Tag: March

  • Midwinter Champlaining

    Midwinter Champlaining

    As I see it, we’re about 2/3 of the way through winter with one month to go until we round the corner into springtime. Despite the fact that today didn’t exactly offer perfect conditions to launch the dory for a frosty February row, I do have a bit of good news. Atypically high water levels…

  • Friend or Foe: Dandelions

    Friend or Foe: Dandelions

    It’s that remarkable season of reawakening, spring, glorious springtime! And more than all of the other blooms that announce the season of unslumbering, Dandelions remind us that nature is nourishing and vibrant and brilliantly colorful. Routinely dismissed, even abhored, as an annoying weed, dandelions are for me a welcome harbinger of warming temperatures, greening environs,…

  • Synchronous Progress

    Synchronous Progress

    It’s been a good week, and it’s not even over yet. Much gratitude is due the entire team as we move into a Friday with many moving parts and a growing balance sheet of synchronous progress in the icehouse, outside the icehouse, and throughout Rosslyn’s still muddy but increasingly springlike grounds. A photo essay (think…

  • Saint Patrick’s Day Recipe: Elk Green Chile Stew

    Saint Patrick’s Day Recipe: Elk Green Chile Stew

    With Saint Patrick’s Day upon us it strikes me as the perfect opportunity to update my venison green chile stew recipe with new stick-to-your-ribs dish that I prepared for friends last weekend. Why? Is today’s recipe Irish-influenced? Slow cooked in Guinness Stout? Neither! And the flavor profile is decidedly southwestern, not Irish. But how many…

  • Meditative March

    Meditative March

    Mornings offer me moments of introspection, mostly optimistic meditations catalyzed by the dawning of a new day. A fresh start. So much pent up potential swelling. And like morning, springtime fills me with enthusiasm for what is possible. A seasonal morning. And so I’m finding myself lately absorbed in this liminal zone of daily and…

  • Moonrise in March

    Moonrise in March

    Startled by the sightof lunar liftoffI slip-slide on ice,reel, rebalance, andthen I remember:a full moon risingtomorrow, tonightpenultimate nightof winter’s waxing.The March moon shimmerson unfrozen lake,saluting springtime’sassured/unassuredarrival two weeks —per the oracles,a frosty fortnightof whiplash weather —from this Monday eve.

  • Perspective vs. Nostalgia

    Perspective vs. Nostalgia

    I am not quite sure where I belong but I have always been engaged with where I am. I like to think this gives me both a resistance to nostalgia and a breadth of perspective but I could be wrong. — Edward Relph (Source: Placeness.com) Much thinking these end-of-February, beginning-of-March days on seasonality and sense of belonging,…

  • Saturday Snow Day

    Saturday Snow Day

    No progress on the icehouse project today. None. By design. And by the benevolence of mother nature. Today we celebrated a Saturday snow day! Although Saturdays and Sundays are usually rest days for most people, our amazing team has worked through weekends and days-off for months in order to ensure forward motion seven days a…

  • Hammock Huddle Haiku

    Hammock Huddle Haiku

    Hankering for a hammock huddle this morning, so I’ll I revisit the photograph I shared on June 6 depicting a herd of hammocks near the orchard. Yes, the color is a little over juiced. And the shadows are dark almost to the point of feeling ominous. Or cozy? But this moment beckons this morning given…

  • Boathouse Illustration Revisited

    Boathouse Illustration Revisited

    Back on March 28, 2022 I shared a whimsical boathouse illustration including some of my creation process. At the time I conceived of the exercise as a way to exercise my rudimentary watercolor abilities while enticing the universe to hasten the spring-to-summer transition. Verdict is out on whether or not my efforts wooed the universe.…

  • Favored by Fortune: Sherwood Inn Flashback

    Favored by Fortune: Sherwood Inn Flashback

    Rosslyn has been reinvigorated (even reinvented) many times over its two century history on Essex, New York’s Merchant Row. But beyond all others, the mother lode of artifacts and memories of this fascinating property derive from its years as the Sherwood Inn. This morning I’d like to share with you an article that was published…