Tag: March

  • Tracing & Retracing

    Tracing & Retracing

    Scrapbooking some ideas about tracing and iterating in many/most creative endeavors including art, writing, design, landscaping, and construction.

  • Ice Flow

    Ice Flow

    Lake Champlain ice flows are legendary. But 2023-4 did not deliver the shore-to-shore ice that during our early Rosslyn winters and springs were as predictable as months of snow. And, in many respects, that’s a relief given the currently heightened water level which has been hovering around 98.5’ above NGVD 1929 for about a week.…

  • Spring Snow Today (and 10 Years Ago)

    Spring Snow Today (and 10 Years Ago)

    Spring has sprung. So say the celestial bodies. So says the calendar. So say the daffodils and the Canada Geese. But winter-into-spring is a mercurial transition, and spring snow today reminds us that winter has not yet fully retired. Nor can we assume that this almost Easter dump is a total fluke. This view from…

  • Cross-Country Ski Tracks

    Cross-Country Ski Tracks

    Sunday snow arriving, or so we are told. Possibly 10-12” of March powder. Or mashed potatoes. Or something in between. If meteorologists are correct, we’ll be creating fresh cross-country ski tracks in the days ahead. Did you know that cross-country ski trails/tracks are known as “loipes”? The photo above — moody afternoon light, thin cover…

  • Spring Equinox

    Spring Equinox

    Are you prepared for the start of spring? I hope so because, ready or not, here she comes! At 11:06 PM this evening, to be precise, winter will end and springtime will begin as we celebrate the 2024 spring equinox. I find that spring’s arrival rarely follows a predictable schedule. Each year unique. And, in…

  • Oh, Possum, Opossum

    Oh, Possum, Opossum

    One year ago an opossum sighting, an opossum photo, and an opossum poem. A familiar chain reaction fueling a familiar runaway post. The photo never made it into the post, and the poem — albeit a preliminary push, unready for prime-time — was buried in a morass of words more focused on Carley, our Labrador…

  • Placid Lake Day

    Placid Lake Day

    Ah, moments like this. A placid lake day inspiring a seasonality sing song. Lake Champlain’s surface silky smooth, disrupted only by the wakes of paddling Canada Geese. Temperatures warm enough to tempt daydreams of spring despite dipping temps (and possibility of precipitation) next week. Bluebird dome above — with just the faintest whisper of cloud…

  • Icehouse Salutation

    Icehouse Salutation

    It’s remarkable (and profoundly gratifying) to remember this icehouse salutation to Pam a year ago. Bundled up on the still undecked deck, in front of the still uninstalled French doors and windows, overlooking the still unlandscaped terrace (sans stone walls, stone stairways, and stone pavers), and daydreaming about the still unplumbed and notably absent hot…

  • Whiteout, Wife Out

    Whiteout, Wife Out

    Preparing to share the backstory of Susan’s commitment to our wild, winged friends (and he taste for adventure…)

  • TMB March 10, 2008

    TMB March 10, 2008

    Let’s follow up last Friday’s “take me back” post — a glimpse at the pre-addition west and south elevations — with another time warp, this time to March 10, 2008. In the spirit of recent retrospective posts remembering early days at the outset of our Rosslyn adventure, I offer you a chillier, snowier version of…

  • TMB March 8, 2007

    TMB March 8, 2007

    Flashback seventeen years to the first winter of discouraging setbacks as we tried desperately to advance our dream of revitalizing this old house into our new home.

  • Snowstorm, March 1, 2007

    Snowstorm, March 1, 2007

    I’ve been profoundly grateful that this winter has been gentler than winters past. Lake Champlain’s atypically high water levels and a pair of weather sensitive outdoor projects were the principle concerns. And while both still might be adversely affected if March delivers lots of snow (or rain) it’s high time I acknowledge our good fortune.…