Tag: John Davis

  • Busy Bobcat Byway

    Busy Bobcat Byway

    Kudos to John Davis (@wildwaystrekker), and Tony Foster (@anthonyfoster335) for mapping out and building Rosslyn’s newest nature trail. It’s become a bustling bobcat byway, well trafficked night and day by many wildlife including a population of wild felines. Hurrah! Just over one month ago I acknowledged the scarcity of native wildcat images on our wildlife cameras. It’s…

  • Gray Fox or Eastern Coyote?

    Gray Fox or Eastern Coyote?

    John Davis, our good friend and Rosslyn’s conscientious wildlife steward, contacted me this weekend with an excited update. Good photos on your cell cam last few days, including a Gray Fox, I think, January 11. We rarely see those. I’d just been reviewing recent images from the camera he referenced, a Reconyx, cellular-enabled camera that…

  • Northern Cardinal

    Northern Cardinal

    It’s fair to call it midwinter, I think, and yet snow has been intermittent and sparse. But it’s plenty cold, so we’ll trust the calendar. The Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) photographed by one of our wildlife cameras tells a different story. It could be autumn. Or spring. The male Northern Cardinal is perhaps responsible for…

  • New Year’s Day: Writer’s Garret & Other Wonders

    New Year’s Day: Writer’s Garret & Other Wonders

    We survived 2022, friends, and in some fortunate cases, we even thrived. Cheers to surviving and thriving an occasionally challenging year! That means it’s time for a meandering year-ender…  Retrospective I’d like to jumpstart my retrospective with a positive personal milestone. Yesterday’s post, “New Year’s Eve”, was my 153rd post in a row, completing a…

  • Bobcat Blurring

    Bobcat Blurring

    I spy a bobcat blurring brookside, loping contentedly across a path padded with pine needles. Do you see what I see? S/he’s pretty well camouflaged in the range of rusty hues filling the majority of this image. But look for the lean, well muscled legs, the bobbed tail, and the pointy ears with a spray…

  • Friend or Foe: Eastern Coyote

    Friend or Foe: Eastern Coyote

    The Eastern Coyote (Canis latrans var) is an omnipresent wild neighbor at Rosslyn. The tracks, the songs, and the holistic balance that the Eastern Coyote brings to our +/-70 acres are an everyday reminder that the wildway is healthy and that wild flora and fauna are thriving in our small slice of the Adirondack Coast.…

  • Snow Fleas: Soggy Snowmelt and Springtails

    Snow Fleas: Soggy Snowmelt and Springtails

    Snow fleas? That’s a thing?!?! Yes, you read that correctly. Yesterday my bride, my beast (a perennially curious and wanderlusty Labrador Retriever) and I explored some soggy-but-still-snowy woodlands along the western shore of Lake Champlain with John Davis (The Rewilding Institute) and Jon Leibowitz (Northeast Wilderness Trust). It would be difficult to find a more interesting…

  • Coyotes Captured on Camera

    Coyotes Captured on Camera

      This winter Rosslyn’s trail camera silently monitoring a fence opening (along the margin of a woods-fields transition) recorded our second most frequent nocturnal visitor, the Eastern Coyote. The images in this post, captured this past January (2017), might even offer a glimpse at the animal frequently referred to as a “coywolf”. [pullquote]The coyote—or possibly…

  • Birdwatchers and Golden-Winged Warblers

    Birdwatchers and Golden-Winged Warblers

    Found him! Birdwatchers from across the United States studied the elusive golden-winged warbler as part of the 12th Annual Adirondack Birding Celebration June 6 at an Essex thicket. The golden-winged warbler is a “species of special concern,” said trip leader Brian McAllister. Populations have declined precipitously during the past 45 years due to a loss…