Tag: Holidays

  • Memorial Day

    Memorial Day

    Memorial Day reflection (complete with summery blooms and a bike ride!)

  • Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day to three of the most marvelous mothers (and most meaningful influences on yours truly!)

  • Earth Day

    Earth Day

    Without being cute or hyperbolic, *every* day at Rosslyn is Earth Day. Healthy, sustainable, holistic practice — from construction and gardening to eating and personal wellness, responsible land stewardship to ecological wildlife guardianship — was fundamental to the lifestyle changes we made two decades ago when we exited life in Manhattan and started fresh on…

  • April Fool’s Day

    April Fool’s Day

    Rumor has it that Susan was a bit of a prankster once upon a time. She denies it, but I have it on good authority from an exceptionally reliable source (possibly Susan’s favorite sibling?) that she enjoyed a bit of teasing now and then. No longer, she assures me. But today is April Fool’s Day,…

  • Easter


    An Easter photo essay celebrating colorful reawakening!

  • My Funny Valentine

    My Funny Valentine

    Today my beautiful bride and I celebrate twenty two Valentine’s Days together. That’s a whole lot of love! As I proposed last year, I think we should make EVERY day Valentine’s Day. Let’s celebrate love. And what better way to say I love you than a poem, a sun-soaked ski, and a romantic dinner? My…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas from our home to yours. We wish you merrymaking, loving laughter, a banquet shared, an opportunity to cherish “old chestnuts”, and the desire to dream up plans for new adventures. This evening’s post is a kind of scrapbook collection of images from our Rosslyn Christmas gathering with family and friends collaged together with…

  • Christmas Countdown

    Christmas Countdown

    If the 12 days of Christmas refer to the interval between Christmas and Epiphany, then the same duration beforehand — the 12 days *prior* to Christmas, — are the Christmas countdown. And they’ve now begun… We’re already several days into this beautiful tree from Karen and Jim Thew, owners of the Spruce Mill Brook Christmas…

  • Holiday Homecoming

    Holiday Homecoming

    What a wellspring of euphoria this evening! We returned to Rosslyn after briefly sojourning in Santa Fe, returned to a delicate frosting of snow underfoot, early dwindling natural light, holiday lights glowing in windows, 28° outside, toasty inside, the promise of savory stew and spicy cider wafting like a whimsical Christmas carol,… Rosslyn welcomed us…

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving

    We wish you a wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) day! From our early days at Rosslyn (“2007 Thanksgiving Remembered”) through recent, more peripatetic “Thanksgiving Thanks”, this holiday has resonated more than others for us. We’ve never lost sight of how many people have invested their time and energy and hope in our quest to revitalize this…

  • Thank You, Pam!

    Thank You, Pam!

    As we approach the fourth Thursday of November we’re provisioning for an indulgent holiday banquet with family. Thanksgiving is all about family and feasting, for sure. But it’s first and foremost a ritualized reminder to pause and reflect on everyone for whom we’re grateful and everything for which we’re grateful. In both cases, Pam Murphy…

  • National Hammock Day

    National Hammock Day

    Did you know that July 22nd is National Hammock Day? Not only this year. Every year! As hammocking habitúes, Susan and I of consider EVERY day a hammock day. Well, not every day. Let’s say April through October? Is National Hammock Day Real?!?! What exactly is National Hammock Day? National Hammock Day is celebrated every…