Tag: Fern Hill

  • Youthful Attachment

    Youthful Attachment

    As with several other Bloganuary prompts, my first impulse with today’s “junior Geo jumpstart” was to balk. Corralling the question into some sort of Rosslyn roundup struck me as Procrustean. But morning was early, and my mind began to wander. I suspect the prompt was soliciting recollections of childhood toys and other artifacts from younger…

  • A Barnophile of Bygone Barns

    A Barnophile of Bygone Barns

    Yesterday I meditated a minute on bygone barns. Ancient farm buildings. Tempered by time, tempted by gravity, and sowbacked beneath the burdens of generations, these rugged utility structures retain (and sometimes gain) a minimalist elegance long after design and construction and use fade into history. My meditation was meandering and inconclusive. In part this was…