Tag: February

  • Midwinter Champlaining

    Midwinter Champlaining

    As I see it, we’re about 2/3 of the way through winter with one month to go until we round the corner into springtime. Despite the fact that today didn’t exactly offer perfect conditions to launch the dory for a frosty February row, I do have a bit of good news. Atypically high water levels…

  • Perspective vs. Nostalgia

    Perspective vs. Nostalgia

    I am not quite sure where I belong but I have always been engaged with where I am. I like to think this gives me both a resistance to nostalgia and a breadth of perspective but I could be wrong. — Edward Relph (Source: Placeness.com) Much thinking these end-of-February, beginning-of-March days on seasonality and sense of belonging,…

  • Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil Foresees More Winter

    Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil Foresees More Winter

    Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? Is spring around the corner? Are we headed into six more weeks of winter? In this high tech era of satellites forecasting weather from beyond the beyond, intricate algorithms gobbling gargantuan data sets, and media channels dedicated to analyzing and communicating meteorological mysteries in real time, we still get…

  • February Swim in Lake Champlain

    February swim, anyone? In Lake Champlain?!?! [pullquote]Griffin “polar bear plunges” in 35° Lake Champlain… mid-winter swimming bliss![/pullquote] Griffin, our now almost nine year old Labrador Retriever, was thrilled with to chase some throw-toys in the chilly lake today despite the fact that it’s February 19 and the water temperature is exactly three days above freezing… 35° of…