Tag: Essaying

  • College, Collage, Kismet

    College, Collage, Kismet

    Three mornings into Bloganuary I’m starting to reevaluate the merits of this challenge. Today’s prompt is less open-ended than ideal for inspiring creative responses. But then I remembered a post I’d begun drafting (and eventually abandoned) this past summer. That 6 month old seed — quick to germinate, quick to stall — came to mind…

  • Essaying Cabinets

    Essaying Cabinets

    At long last it’s moving day. Today Supi and Tony transported several weighty, awkward, and unportable pieces of furniture from our home up to the icehouse under the ever attentive supervision of Pam. Some/all of these functional artifacts will ultimately migrate off-site for temporary storage, but first I’m essaying cabinets as one might try on…