Tag: Compost

  • Snack Attack

    Snack Attack

    Hungry? Jonesing for noshes and nibbles? What?! Back to insipid blog prompts, I’m afraid. Today’s Bloganuary challenge isn’t horrible-horrible, but it certainly isn’t very inspiring. So, please forgive my snack attack post. What snack would you eat right now? Honestly, it seems to me that coming up with a months’ worth of inspirational, open-ended, push-you-out-of-your-comfort-zone,…

  • Compost Bin v2.0

    Compost Bin v2.0

    Probably about a decade and a half ago we repurposed a shipping crate (that happened to have been fabricated out of tropical hardwood) into a compost bin. We’ve used it for years, far surpassing the value I anticipated at the outset. When the top began to fail, it got pulled aside for eventual repair. Today’s…

  • Stump-to-Lumber


    In yesterday’s post I mentioned that we’re felling trees again. But my update was brief, overlooking a couple of important details, so I’m revisiting the stump-to-lumber topic this afternoon. (I probably should have titled today’s post something more inclusive since our homegrown wood isn’t exclusively destined to become the next round of Rosslyn furniture, floors,…

  • Poetry of Earth

    Poetry of Earth

    I missed my mark — Earth Day, April 22, 2023 — with this post extolling the poetry of earth. It was germinal then, and it remains germinal today (albeit marginally more mature?) Sometimes a seed germinates with exuberance, practically exploding into existence as if overcome with the glory of imminent bloom and fruit. Other times…

  • Radishes and Radish Greens

    Radishes and Radish Greens

    On this technicolor Tuesday I present to you one of our flashiest May garden treats, French Breakfast Radishes. Field and forrest foraged veggies — like stinging nettles, wild ramps, and fiddleheads — are nature’s charitable reminder that winter has once again yielded to spring. Then our vegetable gardens begin to awaken with asparagus and spinach that spoil…

  • Why Are My Cucumbers Orange?

    Why are my cucumbers orange? They’re turning yellow-orange, to be precise… This summer we have enjoyed more productive cucumber plants than ever before, but recently the enormous fruit are discoloring from green to yellow to orange before we can eat them. Here’s the reason why. Cucumbers turn orange when they grow excessively ripe before harvesting,…

  • Buried Peony Crowns

    Catherine Seidenberg, an exciting new addition to “Team Rosslyn” this spring, has been tackling all sorts of vegetable and flower garden projects. Most exciting? I’m learning lots from her! Her most recent caveat was that I’ve been using too much manure around our peonies. She warned that burying the peony crowns will hinder them from…

  • Autumn Vegetable Garden Update

    Autumn Vegetable Garden Update

    It’s been getting considerably cooler at night lately, and feeling fall-like much earlier than the last few years. We’ve already had two nights that broke forty degrees! But still no killing frost. The vegetable garden is still thick with produce. We’ve been eating cantaloupes and musk melons just as quickly as we can. The same…