Tag: bloganuary

  • Eighteen Months

    Eighteen Months

    I’m almost 100% certain I’ve never used the term “humble brag”, but today I’m going to try it on for size. Although I’m not usually a buzzword kind of guy, today marks several concurrent benchmarks. I’m feeling bold! As of yesterday I’ve wrapped up dry January for the 12th year in a row. Yesterday also…

  • Face Fear

    Face Fear

    What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? Last day of Bloganuary prompts. Tomorrow back to my own editorial calendar, and not a moment too soon. It’s been a refreshing change of pace, these last 31 days, responding to the whim and will of a…

  • Complaints: Top 5

    Complaints: Top 5

    What do you complain about the most? Such a mysterious adventure story, this thing we call life. Plot twists around every corner. Characters waxing and waning. Textures tangling and untangling, melodies braiding and unbraiding, hues shifting and sifting so subtly we wonder if we’re imagining it,… A mesmerizing mystery so pure, so pulchritudinous as to…

  • Favorite Sports: Top 5

    Favorite Sports: Top 5

    What are your favorite sports to watch and play? It’s probably pretty clear to you that Susan and I enjoy an active (preferably outdoor) lifestyle. Sports are a big part of that. And outdoor sports were central to our original decision to swap NYC for Essex back in 2006. So today’s Bloganuary prompt has pretty…

  • Lucky Lottery

    Lucky Lottery

    What would you do if you won the lottery? What would I do if I won the lottery? I’ve already done it! Almost 22-1/2 years ago Susan and my paths crossed, and… Bonanza! Lady Luck smiled upon us, mercurial but merciful, luring us into one adventure after another. We courted across the Atlantic for two…

  • To Read

    To Read

    What books do you want to read? A quick post this evening as I advance upon the final days of this Bloganuary challenge AND the round the eighteen months benchmark. I envisioned this post as another top five post. But there are many more than five Rosslyn related reads in the offing, and my time…

  • Family Traditions: Top 5

    Family Traditions: Top 5

    Write about a few of your favorite family traditions. Hhhmmm… Family traditions. What are our family traditions? That’s an interesting question, and I’m not 100% certain that I have answers at the ready. But a few ideas come to mind. Canis familiaris Let’s start with the beautiful beast snoozing in a sun puddle at my…

  • Leisure Time: Top 5

    Leisure Time: Top 5

    What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? Work and leisure are less clearly delineated for me than I suspect they are for others. Less binary, more overlapping. Sure, there have been plenty of unleisurely stretches of work throughout my life, but the sense of accomplishment and discipline and investment transcends this overly…

  • To Visit: Top 5

    To Visit: Top 5

    Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting. Another provocative Bloganuary prompt. I’ve exercised a little creative license nevertheless. The emphasis of the prompt is visitable places. I’ve amplified my picks to include activities in most of the places. In fact, for some of the attractions I’m…

  • For Fun: Top 5

    For Fun: Top 5

    List five things you do for fun. Almost a year and a half into Redacting Rosslyn, I’ve taken a semi respite from the rhythm of old house journaling, not by interrupting my daily updates — those have continued albeit with a different flavor and focus from previous posts — but by handing over the steering…

  • Carley Understands

    Carley Understands

    If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be? If you’ve met Carley, our almost 4-year-old, Labrador retriever, (and many of you have!) you already know that she already understands one thing, many things, quite possibly all things! Don’t get me wrong, she’s not a know-it-all. She’s subtler than that. Understated.…

  • What’s In A Name?

    What’s In A Name?

    Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc. Rosslyn’s *possibly* Scottish Gaelic etymology *possibly* refers to being located on a waterway and/or *possibly* refers to being located on a promontory. There are other possibilities as well. Old German. Latin. A rose by any other name… Word-wonder wandering is seductive but in the case…