Tag: Artichokes

  • Complaints: Top 5

    Complaints: Top 5

    What do you complain about the most? Such a mysterious adventure story, this thing we call life. Plot twists around every corner. Characters waxing and waning. Textures tangling and untangling, melodies braiding and unbraiding, hues shifting and sifting so subtly we wonder if we’re imagining it,… A mesmerizing mystery so pure, so pulchritudinous as to…

  • Artichoke Time Prequel

    Artichoke Time Prequel

    Just as there’s a time for asparagus (and tulips and dandelions and radishes and maple syrup and…) there’s a time for artichokes. As it’s only just beginning, today’s post is more of a prelude, an artichoke time prequel. Look at those healthy artichoke starts ready to transplant into Rosslyn’s garden! We were actually ready a…

  • Giebel Garden Flashback

    Giebel Garden Flashback

    I apologize in advance for bypassing several timely updates on the icehouse rehabilitation progress. Sorry. I promise that they are coming soon. But there’s something about springtime, about gardening, about the promise of colorful blooms and produce that I’m finding too tempting to resist. And so I share with you what I’ll call a “Giebel…

  • Artichokes

    I love artichokes. Growing artichokes, eating artichokes, enjoying the magnificent bloom (like a purple sea anemone) when I fail to harvest artichokes in time,… I hold artichokes in extremely high regard. But I must admit that I’ve never, ever conceived of artichokes as sexy. And then I read Nin Andrews’ poem, “The Artichoke“. She starts in…

  • From Artichoke to Sea Anemone

    When you don’t harvest your artichokes in time they bloom. And then they look like sea anemones! On the one hand, it’s a pity. One fewer chokes to steam and dab in mayonnaise or butter or… hollandaise sauce. Yum. On the other hand, these giant thistle blossoms are stunning! The size of softball, and violet…

  • Veggie Patch Lullaby

    It’s that time of year again when we put the vegetable garden to sleep. I’ve been asked if it isn’t bittersweet ripping out limp, frosted tomato plants and tilling under the rotting stems of zucchini and cantaloupe. And you know, it really isn’t bittersweet. It’s a celebration of another bountiful summer, eating delicious, fresh produce…

  • Imperial Star Artichoke

    Imperial Star Artichoke

    Last fall Susan and I were roaming Old Montreal when we discovered several artichokes plants alive and thriving. I couldn’t believe it. So I did a little research. Lo and behold, I discovered that the Imperial Star hybrid is able to grow and produce as an annual even this far north. So, in addition to the…