Tag: ADK Oasis

  • McKenna & McKenna

    McKenna & McKenna

    Overdue shoutout to Kasey McKenna and Karly McKenna for three years of A+ painting and for gifting me this awesome artistic re-creation of Rosslyn’s boathouse made by their late grandmother, Mary Wade. Thank you!

  • Mustelid Musing

    Mustelid Musing

    Willing unfamiliars into focus so that we may photograph Ermine, Marten, and Weasel…

  • Poetics of Planing

    Poetics of Planing

    As Tony concludes his transformation of our homegrown cedar into finish grade planks for the privacy fence enclosure I pause to ponder the poetics of planing. Almost 3-1/2 months ago, the notion appeared as part of a poem. Come and chant with me,a poetics of planing —unroughing, smoothingtruing, straightening —for patient makersalchemizing plants in-to ingredients…

  • Crazy Biz?!

    Crazy Biz?!

    Crazy biz?! It’s fair to say that, since day one, I’ve taken pretty ample creative license with these Bloganuary prompts. I accepted the challenge without much reflection. Why not add a new twist to my daily installments? Like discovering a new spice? I remember when I discovered za’atar via Yotam Ottolenghi. Wow! It was like…

  • Thank You, Steve!

    Thank You, Steve!

    This evening I return to thanks giving with a tribute to Steve Cooley. Over the last few years Steve has undertaken winter snowplowing, spring-summer-autumn lawn care, and landscaping maintenance (from hedge pruning to leaf collection and composting) at Rosslyn, ADK Oasis Highlawn, ADK Oasis Lakeside, and the Westport Yacht Club. And last winter he helped…

  • Thank You, Tony!

    Thank You, Tony!

    Preparing for tomorrow’s family feast, my mind meanders to the good fortune we enjoy in large part due to the amazing people with whom we live and work. Today I offer a follow up to Tuesday’s salute to Pam with an overdue salute to another indispensable member of our team. Thank you, Tony Foster! Thanksgiving…

  • Thank You, Pam!

    Thank You, Pam!

    As we approach the fourth Thursday of November we’re provisioning for an indulgent holiday banquet with family. Thanksgiving is all about family and feasting, for sure. But it’s first and foremost a ritualized reminder to pause and reflect on everyone for whom we’re grateful and everything for which we’re grateful. In both cases, Pam Murphy…

  • Stump-to-Lumber


    In yesterday’s post I mentioned that we’re felling trees again. But my update was brief, overlooking a couple of important details, so I’m revisiting the stump-to-lumber topic this afternoon. (I probably should have titled today’s post something more inclusive since our homegrown wood isn’t exclusively destined to become the next round of Rosslyn furniture, floors,…

  • Pam’s Poem

    Pam’s Poem

    This morning after clambering up onto the icehouse roof not once but six times in a row — installing Starlink satellite dish, rooftop rack, and four surprisingly heavy ballasts — I headed inside to work on the stairway railing. In the coffee bar I discovered a surprise: Pam’s poem with a bottle of bubbly. I…

  • Tiho’s Site Visit

    Tiho’s Site Visit

    This past weekend, Susan and I hosted our friend, Tiho Dimitrov, the Santa Fe based architect with whom we’ve collaborated on several projects over the years including ADK Oasis Lakeside and Rosslyn’s icehouse rehabilitation. Tiho’s site visit to both properties was an exciting culmination, especially as we glide into the home stretch of icehouse v2.0…

  • Spring Aeration

    Spring Aeration

    April showers bring spring aeration. Soggy conditions May not make for the postcard perfect moments conjured by the imagination, but they certainly make for more efficient lawn maintenance. Powerful core drills sink into the supple soil pulling earthy plugs up onto the surface where they will dissolve in the coming days. And perforated ground improves…

  • Nickel Gapping

    Nickel Gapping

    Almost one month ago, on March 19, I shared a T&G nickel gap progress report. Needless to say, I was bullish at the time. It had taken a while to make the transition to interior paneling, but once we started, I was optimistic that we’d make swift progress. That was then. It turns out that…