Tag: Pam Murphy

  • Imperfection


    Today I offer you a scrapbook meditation on imperfection not only as inevitable but also as appealing and valuable. And for habitués, you won’t be surprised by my mind meandering into the humbling wonders of wabi-sabi. The imperfect moments shape us as much as the sunny ones. (Source: Frosty Ferrying into Rosslyn) With May showers flirting,…

  • Apple Blossoms

    Apple Blossoms

    A prose poem for the optimism of apple blossoms (and the pollinators who ensure that this beauty will bear fruit!)

  • Teak Talk

    Teak Talk

    As a boy working at the Westport Marina during my summer vacations, I spent many hours, days, weeks, cleaning, brightening, and oiling the teak on clients’ boats. You’d think the legacy of those years would be a teak-free Rosslyn. But no. I love the it too much! So most springs, right about now, we dive…

  • Squirrel Sentry

    Squirrel Sentry

    Beware what you plant by your front door lest it attract hungry birds, deer, or a squirrel sentry! It’s too early still for flowering annuals to preside over the stone steps leading up to Rosslyn’s front door. Daytimes are warm, mostly, but nightimes are still getting cold. Soon, once the risk of frost retreats inland,…

  • A Few Friday Updates

    A Few Friday Updates

    It’s been a productive week at Rosslyn. I tip my hat to Glen, Tony, Pam, Peter, Supi, and Steve for leaning in to the multiple tasks at hand. I’d like to share with you a quick photo essay showcasing a few Friday updates. What a difference one week makes! Now it’s time to unwind and…

  • Anticipated Nostalgia

    Anticipated Nostalgia

    At the outset, this post was inspired by Matt Miller’s poem “Far Away” that found its way fortuitously to my inbox. An earlier draft of this post was titled “Scent of a Home” in tribute to his poignant piece grappling with the future departure of his daughter for college. I began by reflecting on the…

  • Spring Grilling

    Spring Grilling

    An informal ode to the grill’s seasonal migration from carriage barn hibernation to deck celebration. Let’s eat!

  • Icehouse Salutation

    Icehouse Salutation

    It’s remarkable (and profoundly gratifying) to remember this icehouse salutation to Pam a year ago. Bundled up on the still undecked deck, in front of the still uninstalled French doors and windows, overlooking the still unlandscaped terrace (sans stone walls, stone stairways, and stone pavers), and daydreaming about the still unplumbed and notably absent hot…

  • Perfect Imperfection

    Perfect Imperfection

    Tonight’s update captures a typical exchange within the team, this one between Tony, Pam, and me pertaining to the cedar board in the photo below. How do we approach a board with so much character? — Tony Foster Great question, right? Tony has been transforming rough cut cedar into properly finished and dimensioned pickets for…

  • Lead, Leader, Leading

    Lead, Leader, Leading

    What makes a good leader? Plaudits to the Bloganuary team for another provocative prompt, this time digging into the question of leadership. I’m tempted to wax lyrical about the merits of many present and past members of our team. So many good leaders over the years. But the hour is advancing so I need to…

  • Feel the Love

    Feel the Love

    Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved? Today’s blog prompt primes the proverbial pump. After all, Rosslyn is filled with love! Our 2006 decision to purchase the property to create our home was an extension of the love that Susan and I felt for one another. And our endless historic rehabilitation…

  • Old Year’s Day

    Old Year’s Day

    Did you know that another name for New Year’s Eve Day is Old Year’s Day? Not used widely, in my experience, but logical. Retrospective. Emphasis on the year expiring rather than the year arriving. Despite a personal proclivity for forward-looking and possibility, a year-end review offers merits too. This day’s, this year’s minutes are too…