New Snow, March 23, 2014 (Photo: Geo Davis)

Spring Snow Today (and 10 Years Ago)

Spring has sprung. So say the celestial bodies. So says the calendar. So say the daffodils and the Canada Geese. But winter-into-spring is a mercurial transition, and spring snow today reminds us that winter has not yet fully retired. Nor can we assume that this almost Easter dump is a total fluke. This view from our bedroom on March 23, 2014 feels uncannily familiar.

Spring Snow Today Minus 10 Years, March 23, 2014 (Photo: Geo Davis)
Spring Snow Today Minus 10 Years, March 23, 2014 (Photo: Geo Davis)

Cold tomorrow, but warmer days ahead. So today’s spring snow is more of a hiccup than a trend. Or so I’m choosing to believe. I’m not this next view captured about an hour ago warrants my confidence, but I’m anticipating (aka hoping) finer times ahead. But don’t hold me to it!

Spring Snow Today, March 23, 2024 (Photo: Geo Davis)
Spring Snow Today, March 23, 2024 (Photo: Geo Davis)

In more reality based programming, this just in.

The first thing we’re grilling when the snow stops is Punxsutawney Phil!

— Nicky Sudduth via Jim Carroll

Brought a hardy chuckle to my snowy afternoon. And Susan and I are planning a cross-country ski adventure soonish. Or maybe a snowshoe depending what conditions warrant.

And then… grilled groundhog!


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