Bananas bound for compost or banana porridge bread? (Photo: Geo Davis)​

Snack Attack

Hungry? Jonesing for noshes and nibbles? What?! Back to insipid blog prompts, I’m afraid. Today’s Bloganuary challenge isn’t horrible-horrible, but it certainly isn’t very inspiring. So, please forgive my snack attack post.

What snack would you eat right now?

Honestly, it seems to me that coming up with a months’ worth of inspirational, open-ended, push-you-out-of-your-comfort-zone, take a creative risk, and explore new territory blog post prompts would be fun and easy. But snack attack it is…

Banana Porridge Bread

My first instinct is to springboard from this humdrum prompt to the hardy deliciousness that is banana porridge bread, a genius baked snack that I discovered via Julius Roberts a year or two ago.

I haven’t made banana porridge bread for a while, and we just happen to have a bunch of bananas that Susan’s been begging me to banish unto the compost bin. No longer fit for human consumption, she assures me. But I’m not convinced.

Bananas bound for compost or banana porridge bread? (Photo: Geo Davis)​
Bananas bound for compost or banana porridge bread? (Photo: Geo Davis)​

What do you think? Maybe tomorrow morning for a healthy pre-ski energy boost?

The last few times I’ve made this quick and easy recipe I ladled the batter into muffin tins since it seems to cook better than a loaf which consistently remains dense and undercooked in the middle. Besides muffins are convenient: easy to grab-and-go, take skiing, drop off at a neighbor’s house, etc.

In the case of a snack attack, another healthy-ish favorite is pumpkin carrot muffins.

Pumpkin Carrot Muffins (Source: Rosslyn Redux)
Pumpkin Carrot Muffins (Source: Rosslyn Redux)

Pumpkin Carrot Muffins

Let’s flashback approximately 11 years ago to my first foray into pumpkin carrot muffins.

“Guess what,” I teased my bride.

“You want to feed Griffin dinner?” she asked, raising her eyebrows optimistically?

“I will,” I said. “But that’s not the mystery.”


I told her that I was going to bake gluten free pumpkin carrot muffins on Saturday morning. “We can sleep in,” I tempted. “And then I’ll make homemade muffins. From scratch. The whole house will smell like a pumpkin pie tango-ing with a carrot cake!”

She laughed. And probably forgot. Until Saturday. When the whole house smelled like pumpkin pie tango-ing with a carrot cake. No. Better.

(Source: Pumpkin Carrot Muffins)

Good gardener’s go-to for a snack attack, right? Or what about my apple crisp?

Apple Crisp Leftovers (Photo: Geo Davis)
Apple Crisp Leftovers (Photo: Geo Davis)

Apple Crisp

There are very few sweet treats simpler to make and more delicious than a good, old-fashioned, apple crisp. And when you have an orchard with almost 2 dozen apple trees, it just makes sense to perfect this pomological remedy to your next snack attack.

A dairy free, gluten free, maple syrupy apple crisp.


In addition to swapping out dairy-full butter for an alternative, this apple crisp is also 100% gluten-free. I combined oat flour with coconut and almond flour. Oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, melted butter alternative, turbinated brown sugar, vanilla, and a dash of salt complete the crumble topping.

(Source: Apple Crisp)

As good for breakfast as it is for dessert. And anytime in between!

Open the other hand, this time of year an especially savory snack that won’t blow up your glycemic index is a bowl of green chile stew.

Elk Green Chile Stew (Photo: Geo Davis)
Elk Green Chile Stew (Photo: Geo Davis)

Green Chile Stew

This hardy midwinter stew will stick to your ribs, ensuring a cozy, comfortable afternoon.

If you’re unfamiliar with green chile stew, you’re about to discover a unique autumn-winter-spring, staple that we enjoy when we’re in Santa Fe. And if you’re already familiar with green chile stew, you’re about to discover an unorthodox fusion on northeast red chili stew and southwest green chile stew.

In previous posts I’ve offered you two options to try: “venison green chili stew” and and “elk green chili stew”. After all, winter is game season!

So, what will it be? Sweet or savory snack to soothe your attack?

[NB: Thanks for your patience if you persevered this far. Once again I’ve taken a tangent, wandered wayward from the prompt. Ooops!]


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