Exciting update from one of Rosslyn’s wildlife cameras when I awoke this morning. Not sure why, but I always get especially enthused when we document a Bobcat. The sequence of three images captured at 2:29am appears to be the same bobcat we photographed a few months ago. Still healthy. Strong. Well fed.

Bobcat, May 10, 2023 (Photo: Rosslyn Wildlife Camera)
Bobcat, May 10, 2023 (Photo: Rosslyn Wildlife Camera)

I’m struck by the fact that we capture bobcat photos and witness bobcat tracks, but I’ve never actually come across a bobcat at Rosslyn. Elsewhere, yes. But it would seem that our Lynx rufus representatives are especially stealthy, keen to avoid human encounters. Susan prefers it that way. But these photos do incite a persistent yen to meet — safely, respectfully — one of these regal neighbors some day.

Bobcat, May 10, 2023 (Photo: Rosslyn Wildlife Camera)
Bobcat, May 10, 2023 (Photo: Rosslyn Wildlife Camera)

Thank you, John Davis (@wildwaystrekker) and Tony Foster (@anthonyfoster335), for siting and creating this trail last winter. Susan and I thoroughly enjoyed our cross-country skiing outings on thus new loop back in February and March. And it’s abundantly clear that our wild neighbors are fans as well!

Bobcat, May 10, 2023 (Photo: Rosslyn Wildlife Camera)
Bobcat, May 10, 2023 (Photo: Rosslyn Wildlife Camera)

In this third photograph a small sapling appears to have sprouted along the downhill side of the trail. Do you see it camouflaging the front legs of the bobcat? It took me a moment to determine that’s what I was seeing. The disparity between the stout forward striding front leg and the strong but slender rear extended front leg — likely an incongruity exaggerated by the angle more than actual physiological discrepancy — initially drew my attention. But the darker mottling, especially on the forward leg, perplexed me. An injury? Atypical fur patterning? A skull and crossbones stocking?!?!

No. A sapling. And a handsome, healthy bobcat.


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