Mist Mingling Prose (Photo: Susan Bacot-Davis)

Mist Mingling Prose

I wind down this wild, weather-whipped Wednesday with a tribute to my niece and my bride. My niece, visiting for a week, is the picturesque focus of this painterly snapshot. And Susan managed to capture this cinematic moment between exiting a massage and preparing a tasty dinner for the three of us. Several hours later the elixir is still potent, mist mingling prose…

Mist Mingling Prose (Photo: Susan Bacot-Davis)
Mist Mingling Prose (Photo: Susan Bacot-Davis)

Minutes like these bend time. Blur boundaries. Blend sensations with memories and daydreams. Minutes like these — suspended between trees, between daytime and nighttime, between lived fact and read fiction, between vacation and school, vacation and work — invite wondering and wandering. Court questions more than answers. Remind us to linger a little longer, to let go, to yield.

Mist Mingling Prose

Niece reads in hammock
from golden hour to gloaming,
mist mingling prose.

A hammocking haiku softened with sundown vapors (and escape into the pages of a good book.)


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