Daydream Retrieving

Daydream Retrieving (Source: Geo Davis)
Daydream Retrieving (Source: Geo Davis)

Sleeping Dog Haiku

Lie, sleeping dog, lie,
postprandial, snooze-barking,
daydream retrieving.
                               — Geo Davis

When the hurly-burly and the kaleidoscopic cascade of commitments collapse into one another (and seeing through the turmoil requires a periscope) life hands us little reminders to catch our breath.

Reminders like Carley, sleeping at my feet in the reading nook outside my study.

Daydream Retrieving

Unplug. Reset. (Source: Geo Davis)
Unplug. Reset. (Source: Geo Davis)

That last line of the haiku, “daydream retrieving”, is a timely tickle too. Perhaps the perfect mindfulness meditation for hammocking on a Friday afternoon. And that, a hammock, is another one those little reminders. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Daydream!

Enjoy your Friday evening. Revitalize over the weekend. And squeeze in a nap. Or three.


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