Sleeping Dog Haiku
Lie, sleeping dog, lie,
postprandial, snooze-barking,
daydream retrieving.
— Geo Davis
When the hurly-burly and the kaleidoscopic cascade of commitments collapse into one another (and seeing through the turmoil requires a periscope) life hands us little reminders to catch our breath.
Reminders like Carley, sleeping at my feet in the reading nook outside my study.
Daydream Retrieving
That last line of the haiku, “daydream retrieving”, is a timely tickle too. Perhaps the perfect mindfulness meditation for hammocking on a Friday afternoon. And that, a hammock, is another one those little reminders. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Daydream!
Enjoy your Friday evening. Revitalize over the weekend. And squeeze in a nap. Or three.
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