“Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.”

— Rene Daumal
Dawning (Photo: Geo Davis)
Dawning (Photo: Geo Davis)

Early birds enthralled with the daily matinal unshading embrace the mystery (and the wellspring of possibility that flows through it.) I know. I am one. A “morning lark” married to a “night owl”. Opposites attract. The dawning invigorates me, and the gloaming invigorates Susan.

That photograph above, recorded in the parlor on March 25, 2013 at 6:50 AM, might well have been captured this morning. Crystal clarity after the snowstorm. Shimming lake surface absent ice. Another momentous dawning ripe with hope and opportunity. (I’ve set a calendar reminder for tomorrow morning, and I’ll update this post if conditions warrant and I successfully make a new photograph.)

Where photo fails — or only faintly suggests — the enormity and profundity of these intimate encounters with a new day dawning, perhaps poetry can approximate. Or abbreviate…

Aurora Fenestra

Morn’ mysterious 
murmuring incantation
silhouettes the scene.

Persistent Perspective

This recurring vignette has lured me again and again over the years. Inside. Outside. Illuminating exterior. Dark interior. A technicolor invitation to wonder, to wander beyond the black and white confines of comfortable home. A siren call. Beckoning. Leading outward.

Consider this photograph and excerpt from an earlier post.

Daybreak: Lake Champlain sunrise through wavy-glass parlor window (Source: Geo Davis)
Daybreak: Lake Champlain sunrise through wavy-glass parlor window (Source: Geo Davis)

Since my earliest Rosslyn intrigue, wondering if the house and property might one day become a home for us, daybreak was my fixation. Perhaps it was just my lifelong affinity for the early hours. As a “morning lark” dawn has long been my favorite time of time. A world of possibility… Perhaps it was just curiosity what Rosslyn would feel like, look like, wandering room-to-room early in the morning. Although the front hallway was still in decidedly unfinished condition when we first visited, I imagined the walls painted a pale yellow, transporting the sunrise inside, warming the house with the brightening day.


A window view early on a Sunday morning. A blazing daybreak. Wavy lake and wavy glass. Near, familiar silhouettes framing a veritable mirage. Dawn within. Dawn without.

(Source: Daybreak)

Dawning. And wavy glass. Kindred spirits!

The following fenestrated dawning dates from September 2015.


Spring, summer, and fall perspectives of the dawning from Rosslyn’s parlor. Perhaps another snapshot tomorrow if I remember (and the weather gods are favorable…)


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