Communicate, Poemunicate

In what ways do you communicate online?

At first tempted to shrug off today’s blog prompt, a rush of inspiration like a wild pony, inviting me on a mad dash, I decided to risk the ride.

Poemunicate: sunshine on wood with placemats (Photo: Geo Davis)
Once upon a time
a woman, a man,
a tumbling home,
a bookish bent, and
a one-man stage act.
Now digital and
a virtual show,
an experiment,
maze meets museum,
book without covers,
play without actors,
ultima Thule.
From off- to online,
I try to create
and to re-create,
to communicate
and to circulate
a self conscious draft,
blathering blog posts,
braided narratives,
and micromemoirs,
lede-y newsletters,
tweets, ‘grams, and updates.
I watercolor
with a brush, pigments,
and digital bits.
in bits and drabs I
relay a message,
report random riffs,
convey a collage,
relate a remix,
and daily dispatch
visual vignettes
verbal vignettes, and
nonfiction stories.
I present punch lists,
punchy listicles,
faux photographs
from antique postcards,
new photos from phones,
drones, and cameras
depictions of
disinterred relics.
I pass along words,
promulgate poems —
haiku, erasure,
lyric , and punch list —
to distill and untell,
and deal out drawings,
line illustrations,
what-if elevations,
improv field sketches,
hand drawn plans,
AutoCAD blueprints,
and job site mashups.
Sometimes I report
on vintage postcards,
newspaper clippings,
odd communiqués.
I broadcast statements,
ask questions, and I
solicit advice,
announce artifacts,
record audio,
post video reels,
dialogue via
comments, contact forms,
letters, rendezvous,
and more than a few…

Inspired to poemunicate, I mounted the mustang this morning, held on for a while, but eventually tired, loosed my grip, got bucked off, landed gingerly, realized my steed was long gone, and drifted sorely home.


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