Category: Rehab Ad Infinitum
Every Wall is a Door
Soon I’ll reveal photographs of Rosslyn’s west and north elevations in their new incarnations, hardscape and landscape complete, sunken courtyard and deck arranged with furniture, vision and plan achieved at last. Soon. Spring is still early, and conditions remain premature. But soon. June, perhaps. Until then, a pensée, as our francophone friends might say. Every…
April Oasis
Meditating on the lakeside sanctuary that seduced us nearly two decades ago (and with which we remain smitten even as we begin let go…)
Tracing & Retracing
Scrapbooking some ideas about tracing and iterating in many/most creative endeavors including art, writing, design, landscaping, and construction.
Lakeside Staircase: Cut Stair Stringers
Today we return to Rosslyn’s waterfront for another installment on the slow-and-steady lakeside staircase rehab. Glen and Tony have begun to cut stair stringers, the structural underpinnings that underpin a stout repair to the most needy element of the previous build. If you missed the previous installments, you may want to start out with these:…
Icehouse Salutation
It’s remarkable (and profoundly gratifying) to remember this icehouse salutation to Pam a year ago. Bundled up on the still undecked deck, in front of the still uninstalled French doors and windows, overlooking the still unlandscaped terrace (sans stone walls, stone stairways, and stone pavers), and daydreaming about the still unplumbed and notably absent hot…
TMB March 10, 2008
Let’s follow up last Friday’s “take me back” post — a glimpse at the pre-addition west and south elevations — with another time warp, this time to March 10, 2008. In the spirit of recent retrospective posts remembering early days at the outset of our Rosslyn adventure, I offer you a chillier, snowier version of…
TMB March 8, 2007
Flashback seventeen years to the first winter of discouraging setbacks as we tried desperately to advance our dream of revitalizing this old house into our new home.
Dual Wielding
It’s hard to conjure a quintessential cowboy duel movie scene without picturing a pair of pistols brandished in gauntlet gloved fists. An intense glare. A fierce posture. Come what may… And so we salute Tony for this dual wielding still captured today by Glen. The very picture of efficiency (and hopefully accuracy), this ostensibly unstaged…
Boathouse Restructuring
Today we turn the calendar back 16 years to Rosslyn’s boathouse restructuring. Some eighteen months or so into our rehabilitation project we had already sailed past our most generous timeline for completion. And the end was far from near. In fact, the finish line continued to retreat the more we advanced upon it. And, as…
Dialing in Details
Allow me a morning meditation (minus constructive conclusions.) A wandering wonder. About process. About creative risk. About composing, crafting, constructing, carpentry,… Allow me a moment to meander from brainstorming and “ciphering” to dialing in details. Because details matter. But how we discern details, how we wend our way to destinations can be circuitous. Maybe even…
Snowstorm, March 1, 2007
I’ve been profoundly grateful that this winter has been gentler than winters past. Lake Champlain’s atypically high water levels and a pair of weather sensitive outdoor projects were the principle concerns. And while both still might be adversely affected if March delivers lots of snow (or rain) it’s high time I acknowledge our good fortune.…