After rowing, retrieving. A perfect pairing in the eyes of Carley, our Labrador retriever.
Fall is upon us, but that’s no disincentive to man and beast from enjoying the still warmish waters of Lake Champlain. I find it challenging to capture in prose or images, but this autumn atmosphere and rhythm lend themselves to the braiding potential and propensity of poetry.
After Rowing, Retrieving
After almost two hours
reclining in a dory,
observing waterfowl
and falling foliage,
listening to slice, drip,
slice, drip of oar blades,
moaning, creaking oar locks,
yielding to the pulse —
swift acceleration
followed by gentle glide —
with paws chilled by hull chilled
by October water,
fur warmed with thirsty air,
the vanishing voices
of Canada geese high
above slippery skiff,…
After soporific
sojourn far from the shore,
Labrador retriever
patiently waiting and
anticipating and
willing a watery
romp: beach, ball, beach, ball,…
Now it is time for sport,
for adrenaline bursts
of swimming and mouthing,
proud head high beach prancing, super soaking shakes, and
an abundance of love.
That’s a first swipe at it anyway. A revision or ten just might capture the autumn mood.
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