A Few Friday Updates

It’s been a productive week at Rosslyn. I tip my hat to Glen, Tony, Pam, Peter, Supi, and Steve for leaning in to the multiple tasks at hand. I’d like to share with you a quick photo essay showcasing a few Friday updates. What a difference one week makes! Now it’s time to unwind and celebrate.

Waterfront Staircase Progress (Photo: Glen Gherkins)

Much of the progress on Rosslyn’s waterfront staircase this week is credit to Peter and Supi. Framing and risers are complete, posts are being installed, treads are in the works, and the painstakingly restored post sleeves and railings are ready for installation. Way to go gentlemen!

Privacy Fence Progress (Photo: Glen Gherkins)

Glen completed the second coat of paint on the exterior of the privacy fence behind the carriage, barn, and has begun priming the interior. Super excited to see this project approaching the finish line. Once the basecoat color is finished (exterior and interior) it’ll be time to install the trim. 

Fire Pit Pad Complete (Photo: Glen Gherkins)

Another project that has been on the to do list for quite a while: install fire pit pad. Tony and Glen removed the existing crushed stone and stone dust piles, scraped the organic matter off the surface, re-leveled the ground, established correct elevations, installing crushed stone and stone dust, designed the latter, and installed stone pavers.

Eureka! Way to go, Glen and Tony. 

The fire pit is en route, and will be installed soon. And Bob Kaleita will be adding topsoil, power raking lawn areas, and hydroseeding. Spring’s a busy time!

Vegetable Garden Ready to Plant (Photo: Glen Gherkins)

Steve brought his roto-tilling muscle to the vegetable garden, wrapping up soil preparation so that we can begin putting plants into the ground as soon as next week. at this point, the high tunnel and exterior garden are ready to go. We still need to install the raised beds, fill them with compost, and begin planting radishes and spinach.

Great to see that freshly turned earth, Steve. Thank you very much.

Evergreens, Hydrangeas, and Ornamental Grasses Ready to Plant (Photo: Glen Gherkins)

And, last but at least, plants have begun arriving for the icehouse landscaping. In this photo are 4-5’ tall Arborvitae for the hedge south of the courtyard, ornamental grasses that will edge the east and west icehouse decks, and hydrangeas that will be incorporated into the courtyard sloped flowerbeds.

This week we welcomed Teddi Rogers to the team. She will be designing and planting the icehouse courtyard flowerbeds in the coming weeks, so you can anticipate additional landscaping updates in the weeks to come.

Thank you, Glen, for inventorying all of the arriving plants. And thank you, Teddi, for transforming lots of dirt into lots of beauty!


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