Daddy’s Girl: Carley Cuddle (Photo: Susan Bacot-Davis)

Daddy’s Girl

One of the very best ways to begin and end the day is a Carley cuddle. Our unabashed daddy’s girl is always up for a snuggle, a massage, spooning, hammocking,…

Daddy’s Girl: Carley Cuddle (Photo: Susan Bacot-Davis)
Daddy’s Girl: Carley Cuddle (Photo: Susan Bacot-Davis)

As an early bird — I’m usually up by 5 or 6 o’clock in the morning — breakfast duty falls to me. Since the outset I’ve been the breakfast chef for our dogs. Labrador retrievers are well known for being food motivated and for possessing preternatural food radar. Each of our pups (Tasha, Griffin, and Carley) learned quickly to rise early if they wanted to jumpstart the day, and more important, if they wanted an early meal.

So I’m aware that my charms may not underpin Carley’s affections. She’s savvy. She’s always hungry. And I’m trainable!

But, truth be told, temperament is part of the equation. Carley’s an extremely affectionate dog. Ever since she was a puppy she was a lover girl. Not an aggressive bone in her body. She’s respectful and patient with dogs who actually are aggressive, waiting them out, winning them over, little by little.

And she wins over people she meets, even the “non-dog-people”, with a subtle sweetness and an astute awareness of what level of interaction her human companions desire. A few nights ago while entertaining friends with an infant daughter, Carley was attentive but so slow and gentle with the tiny child that she grew enchanted. She offered a small piece of cheese, and Carley carefully extended her neck and took the morsel so tenderly that she little girl cooed.

When playing and roughhousing with me, Carley knows that gentleness isn’t critical. So she romps with abandon. She gives as good as she gets. But the moment my energy downshifts, she responds. Empathic. Attuned. Keen to please.

We’re fortunate. Our pandemic puppy turned out to be our best canine companion ever. And the ultimate daddy’s girl!


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