Pam Leveling Concrete for Mini Split Slab (Photo: Tony Foster)

Concrete Slab Finale

We’ve bookended our concrete work for the icehouse rehab with last autumn’s foundation and slab and concluding with a concrete slab finale for the hot tub and the mini split. And I am going to let the photos. Tell the story since today’s post is best narrated with a photo essay. But first we celebrate the remarkable ability and agility of this team. I am repeatedly impressed with the breadth of skills, the depth of energy, and the capacity to adapt to perennially evolving circumstances.

Despite the end, timely hospitalization of Peter, the lead on this project, just as these two slabs floated to the top of our calendar, Supi, Calvin, Tony, and Pam took the baton and ran with it. With no time to lose, and a concrete truck on the way they adapted and delivered perfection. As so often, I am proud, proud, proud!

Hot Tub Concrete Slab

For the sake of streamlining this post, I am going to divide today’s work into two separate photo essays. This first will showcase the more ambitious of the two slabs, which is integrated into the icehouse deck, and will support the hot tub.

Concrete Truck Arrives (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Concrete Truck Arrives (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi and Calvin Pull Concrete for Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi and Calvin Pull Concrete for Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi, Calvin, and Tony Pull Concrete for Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi, Calvin, and Tony Pull Concrete for Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi and Calvin Level Hot Tub Slab as Tony Pulls Concrete (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi and Calvin Level Hot Tub Slab as Tony Pulls Concrete (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi Screeds Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi Screeds Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi Floating and Edging Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Supi Floating and Edging Hot Tub Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Hot tub Slab Slab Cured and Stripped (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Hot tub Slab Slab Cured and Stripped (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Hot tub Slab Slab Cured and Stripped (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Hot tub Slab Slab Cured and Stripped (Photo: R.P. Murphy)

That slab is ready for a hot tub. Thank you also to Brandon who installed the electrical prior to the concrete pour. Almost time to launch!

Mini Split Concrete Slab

The smaller, but no less essential slab is actually an extension of the one already supporting our generator. It will be the home of a condenser/compressor for the new mini split in the icehouse.

Tony Fills Concrete form for Mini Split Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Tony Fills Concrete Form for Mini Split Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Leveling Concrete for Mini Split Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Leveling Concrete for Mini Split Slab (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Pam Leveling Concrete for Mini Split Slab (Photo: Tony Foster)
Pam Leveling Concrete for Mini Split Slab (Photo: Tony Foster)
Mini Split Slab Swept and Edged (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Mini Split Slab Swept and Edged (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Mini Split Slab Cured and Stripped (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Mini Split Slab Cured and Stripped (Photo: R.P. Murphy)

Thank you, Pam, Tony, Supi, and Calvin. You all surprise and impress us again and again. Congratulations and thank you.


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