Sometimes we call her the
air traffic controller —
calibrating schedules,
inventorying and
coordinating and
unmuddling messes,
managing myriad
micros and macros, and
multitasking Monday,
Tuesday, heck, every day —
also installing docks,
feeding ducks and songbirds,
soliciting bids and
perhaps painting clapboard
or pruning persimmons,
brush hogging meadows, and
welcoming travel guests.
In short she is all this —
air traffic controller,
conductor, ringleader,
emcee and referee —
but also cheerleader,
advocate, confidant,
colleague, and dear-dear friend.
Primer, Painter, Polymath
Not my first Pamuela Murphy post, and certainly not my last. Susan and I recount our good fortune daily to share in this work, this journey, this life with a woman of such character and integrity, such persistence and problem solving, such strength and kindness. This preliminary piece of poetry is still germinating, still unfurling its precocious fingers and reaching toward the sunlight, toward springtime’s sweet awakening, the promise of a delicate bloom. With luck a clutch of blossoms soon…
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