Mowie surveying the “multipurpose man cave” (Photo: R.P. Murphy)

Multipurpose Man Cave

Mowie surveying the “multipurpose man cave” (Photo: R.P. Murphy)
Mowie surveying the “multipurpose man cave” (Photo: R.P. Murphy)

In recent years, the terms “she shed” and “man cave” have wiggled their way into our everyday vocabulary. Maybe not ubiquitous, but both can be uttered without explanation. I’m generally disinclined to adopt these here-today, gone-tomorrow buzzwords. Too trendy. Too contrived. Too something, though I’m not 100% certain. Today I’ve decided it’s time to pop the bubble and swim in the mainstream. It’s time for a test drive. Today’s icehouse rehab is tomorrow’s “Multipurpose Man Cave”!

In the photo above, Pam’s dog Mowie survey the multipurpose man cave (likely thinking to herself that’s it’s a multipurpose dog house…)

It’s funny how our differing perspectives influence our ways of seeing, understanding, defining, and describing. We’ve always referred to Rosslyn’s icehouse as “The Icehouse”. We probably still will.

But maybe not. Maybe “Multipurpose Man Cave” or “Multiuse Man Cave” or “Multiuse Retreat” or “Multipurpose Oasis” or “Flex-use Sanctuary” or “Stand-alone Studio”… Probably none of these, but each conveys something notable. Once rehabilitation is complete and the former utility barn is reborn, it will be a home office and entertainment space hybrid where productive and playful can cross-pollinate!


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